This morning's m RTHB
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This morning's m RTHB
The breeding pairs of woodpeckers are now bringing newly fledged young ones to the back yard.
This is a juvenile male Hairy Woodpecker
iso 1600
ive been trying to get a bird on a perch with a nice background like Joel . the perch is a bit far and i cant push the iso as high as i would like but its not to bad.
how do you use a better beamer and not get steel eye ?
iso 800
1/400 by sedwards679, on Flickr
You just need an old Christmas tree holder and a bird can put the perch wherever you want:)
When using a Better Beamer I have my flash on a bracket so the light source is probably 8-10 inches above the center of the lens. Additionally it helps to use a very low power on the flash. You can dial it in manually....I typically use 1/16 power or lower. Also you can use ETTL....I typically use -2 to -3 stops.
I put together a little primer on backyard setups for birds. It's posted in the tips section.
Stuart, the pic looks very good, especially the bokeh. Bokeh was one of the issues I had w/the 100-400. Now just have your subject looking at you saying cheese. :)
Joel, thanks for "appreciating" the ABE (and HBs) pix....the ABE pix are a little harsh, for the eaglets didn't offer any photo ops until mid-morning, but you take what they give you. And thanks for your tips link....very detailed.
Perches; my outdoor studio perches for the song birds...far L perch to far R perch....are 20 feet apart and I'm able to shoot from my office window w/a camo curtain. Thanks for your input on this subject also.
Love the baby bird shot, Jayson!
I really don't do much birding anymore but still grab a shot when the spontaneous op arises. Here's one I shot last summer ...still waiting for some hb's to return to my backyard this year ...
Female Hummingbird by Denise Trocio (D Trocio Photography), on Flickr
So I got bored and shot some ducks, only the females flew.
i was really multitasking for this one. i had a toothbrush in my mouth when i shot this early this morning lol.
iso 200
1/640 by sedwards679, on Flickr
I like this.The pose is great and the perch is interesting. It's just that one branch crossing over the bird.....
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