Re: Post your best bird shots!
well done with the flsh light, Joel.
I tried fill flash, this is the result. i used full power, but it seems like no big difference with or without flash[:O]
thanks for viewing!
Re: Post your best bird shots!
JJ, really nice, a Ring Billed Gull?
Anyway it looks great, nice crop, great background, color looks natural to me ... well done!
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Thanks Joel for the kind words!
Originally Posted by Joel Eade
a Ring Billed Gull
I guess it is. but this one looks different from others. it has a red circle around it's eyes.I'm not sure if it's common or not, but I only saw one like that. it looked a lot prettier than others.
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Haven't been around for awhile....things haven't changed much, you're all still taking some pretty amazing pix.
Here are a couple taken w/my newly acquired 500 f4 IS;
Common (female) Merganser
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Hey!, nice to see you back Bill with some great shots!, congratulations on the new lens! the 500mm makes a lot of difference, doesn't it?![:D], but still too short[:(]
Re: Post your best bird shots!
I believe this is juvenile red tailed hawk.
Canon 7d, canon 100-400mm at 300mm, f6.5, 1/250 sec, monopod
Re: Post your best bird shots!
JJ....nice GBH, great lighting.
The GBHs will start rtning next month to the rookery....nest refurbishing/building, battles for the best sites and of course the obligatory squawking.
Just another reason for purchasing the 500, but you're right, it's not long I've started saving for a facsimile of the Hubble telescope. [:)]
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Joel.....nice action capture of the GFs....lots of patience and luck are needed to capture something different (other than a "portrait") w/small birds.
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Here are a couple I captured yesterday using my two Kenko 1.4x tc and my 70-200f4LIS. I really need to upgrade to a longer lens so I can use AF. Live view for trying to catch him flying and MF is no good.
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Jayson, very nice shots, the second one is the best IMO, I like the head angle, eye looks very sharp. and yes, it's time for you to get a longer lens[:D]