Thanks, I took this last fall when the leaves were at peak color. Made for a nice background color. I usually run some noise reduction on the background as well to smooth out any high iso noise.
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Thanks, I took this last fall when the leaves were at peak color. Made for a nice background color. I usually run some noise reduction on the background as well to smooth out any high iso noise.
Brendan I like your edit and how you toned it down. I didn't have a whole lot of time for editing as the kids were tugging at my sleeves. Thanks. Joel, that is a great picture. I do love the background colors as it compliments the bird nicely.
Originally Posted by Sinh Nhut Nguyen
That's just wrong....
What? your're using a 40D. A 40D can't track AF like that..................LOLOLOLOL
Nate...your amazing dude!
I'm telling you, Nat Geo's gonna call.
Originally Posted by Joel Eade
I love these little birds...awesome shot Joel.
Personally, I'd back down two notches on the sharpening. I will look more natural.
Caught this Black-crowned Night Heron building a nest last weekend.
50D 70-200L F4 IS @ F4 1/1250 iso 200
50D 70-200L F4 IS @ F4 1/2000 iso 200
Taken Yesterday: Kind of my first attempt at birds, I give you the Acorn Woodpecker.
LeTiger, that's a beautiful bird. I believe they are found in Mexico? Maybe some cropping would be nice, but great colors in that one.
Denise....How is your experience with the 100-400 vs the 300? Could you give me a bit of feedback? Much appreciated.