I am usually not a fan of desaturation, but maybe on this guy it works....
https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3929/...136d3ceb_c.jpgBB1H5189.jpg by hdnitehawk01, on Flickr
Printable View
I am usually not a fan of desaturation, but maybe on this guy it works....
https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3929/...136d3ceb_c.jpgBB1H5189.jpg by hdnitehawk01, on Flickr
Nice shot...I think monochrome is perfect for a vulture picture!
Perhaps you could pitch your photos directly to these types of bird websites, or better yet to publishers of nature books. They should jump at them, I'd say. Not that I know anything about publishing, but I definitely know that your bird photos are the best I've seen, in or out of books.
This is one of my favourite, but all too elusive birds. It spends most of the year hiding in the undergrowth, trying not to be food for others. This time of the year it comes out to display for the ladies (who are very drab looking). Unfortunately, the weather was miserable so I didn't get to see it sparkle in the sunlight.
Superb Fairy-wren
ISO 640, 1/640, f6.3 @ 300mm
I can see why they call it "Superb"......amazing color!
chicadee. ive been playing around with focal pro and noticed a huge difference in image quality since making adjustments.
https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2948/...7c88d987_b.jpgIMG_1839 by sedwards679, on Flickr
Oh yes!!! Very nice detail and sharpness....looks like the microadjustment paid off nicely.