Re: Post your best bird shots!
Hi Richard,
I wish I could tell you an answer but I had never used the 500 before...I rented it for the trip and I have never used a 600. I did get sharp images with the 500 and my 1.4 TC. I kept the 500 on my tripod/gimbal the entire time, mostly because we were shooting in salt water and while wading there would be no place to set it down plus I didn
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Thanks Joel!
I was comparing the 500 vs 600 like most people do and I agree that the 500 with the 1.4 is much lighter and hand-holdable as compared to the much heavier 600mm. Most people seem to use the 500mm with the 1.4X extender anyway, so if the 600mm is lighter like the new 400 II, then that may tilt the scales in the 600
Re: Post your best bird shots!
My first bird picture! I was able to take this with my 50mm f/1.8 because the flock of seagulls kept flying around me in circles. I thought for sure that they were going to use me for target practice....
IMG_1949.jpg by Chris-Baker, on Flickr
Re: Post your best bird shots!
One of my birdie pictures.
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Happy Halloween, guys!
7D 300mm 2.8
thanks for viewing
Re: Post your best bird shots!
JJphoto.....wicked looking tongue action!!! I like the out of focus foreground too... cool shot
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Common Terns, Florida
1DMKIII 500mm f/4L 1.4 TC 1/1600 f/8 ISO 800
Re: Post your best bird shots!
JJ and Joel,
Those are some great shots!
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Thanks Paul and Joel!
Nice shot Joel, like the warm lighting and color!
unless it doesn
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Just awesome shots, JJ and Joel!