Quote Originally Posted by Fast Glass View Post
Canon is making cameras based on what they want, not what the market wants. And they pulled an Olympus with the R1, making minor improvements and trying to sell it as a generational improvement.
They make what they believe will sell. No company is perfect, the R100 is a good example. No touch screen, and unlike the cheaper Mxxx models that were on many best-seller lists alongside the M50/II, the R50 is but the R100 is not. But generally, if a company makes what they want but not what their customers want, that company does not do well. By objective measure, Canon is doing very well in the camera market.

Quote Originally Posted by Fast Glass View Post
And also I don't appreciate you demonizing everyone just because people are disappointed in a camera manufacturer. They have a right to be. They don't need to jump ship just because they are complaining. Lots of products came to exist because people were vocal about what they want and critical of the brands shortcomings.
I don't. You can be as disappointed as you want. You can feel and state that you believe Canon is doing a terrible job, or that Sony or Nikon makes perfect cameras. Criticize away. As I keep saying, everyone is welcome to their own opinion, and they are welcome to state that opinion freely.

What you are not welcome to do is claim that your opinions are facts. You may not like the R1, but claiming that it won't meet the needs of people who use top of the line glass with the best techniques and spend the time and effort to get world class images is simply not true.

Perusing the gear used by winners of top awards like the World Press Photo Awards shows MP counts ranging from 12-46. This is the global winner of that award for 2024, from his LinkedIn page. Those are a pair of R3 bodies hanging from his shoulders. Seems he can manage to get world class images with 24 MP.