The R1 is finally here

A link to Bryan's landing page.

I am sure some will be disappointed by the 24.2 MP resolution. But I am constantly reminded by the 24 x 18 inch prints on my wall that were cropped from 5D3 images (22 MP) that 24 MP is still a lot. Clearly Canon thinks so.

Otherwise, seems like a very nice flagship camera.
  • 1/64,000 max shutter speed
  • 2.7 millisecond readout speed (virtually no rolling shutter)
  • 12 fps max mechanical shutter (I was thinking the R1 might not have a mechanical shutter, so happy to see this)
  • 40 fps 14 bit in electronic shutter mode
  • Pre-continuous shooting mode (1/2 sec)
  • The necessary discussion of improved AF
  • Dual CFe Type B card slots
  • AF down to EV -7.5 (almost black)

Seems like an amazing camera. I am looking forward to hearing more about it.