Does anybody know if this card is fast enough for 7D, if not, how fast is good enough? thanks!
Does anybody know if this card is fast enough for 7D, if not, how fast is good enough? thanks!
Well, depending on your level of patience, any card is fast enough for the 7D. The Extreme III will be "fast enough" for most users.
But if you want to know which card will allow the 7D to hit peak performance, that's a different question. Rob Galbraith hasn't posted his final test results yet, but I expect the 7D would benefit from an even faster card than the Extreme III. I would guess that the Sandisk Extreme IV will about 50% faster.
For me Extreme IV 8gig for my 1D Mk II is Fast enough. Extreme III 16gig is fast enough for my 1Ds MKIII
Yes, the mark III is fast enough.A faster cardwill only affect how fast your images unload from the buffer, it does not affect your FPS.
All right,i think I 'll get couple of this cards since SanDisk is offering rebate of it. thanks guys!
Originally Posted by Fast Glass
That is incorrect. If the 7D at least as fast as my 5D2 (and I expect it to be faster), then the Extreme III will hit FPS problems 50% sooner than the Extreme IV (I use a stack of Lexar 300X, which is about as fast as an Extreme IV with the 5D2).
Again, for many shooters, the Extreme III will be plenty fast enough to cover their long bursts. But if you want that last 50% (or more), faster cards are needed.
That is based on someone who has the used that card in a 7D and has used much faster cards as well. I know its odd but its true.
Originally Posted by Fast Glass
OK, I'll take your word for it.
If you are planning on using the video feature on the 7D it will NOT be fast enough and I'm not even sure if it will let you try. Read your manual I think it needs the UMDA 5 or higher card.
Originally Posted by Fred Doane
thank you fred, I'll find that out. that was the part I didn't even think about it.