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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    need wedding group photo tips

    Hey everyone,

    I have my first official wedding shoot this weekend, and I'm pretty confident on everything except for the staged group shots of the bridal party. I think this group is 10-12 people. My main concern is getting enough light. What do you recommend for having the shots come out in focus as well as not be too noisy. I think some of it will be indoor with a high ceiling, so it's hard to bounce speed lites in there.

    I know high fstop to decrease the DOF, but seems when I've done that in the past indoors, the group shots come out fairly noisy from bumping up the ISO. Any tips for me?

    Just some info, I'm shooting on a 5D markII body and for group shots, I'll probably be using my 24-105L. I also have several speed lites with cybersyncs and 2 umbrellas. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Senior Member Mark Elberson's Avatar
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    Re: need wedding group photo tips

    For starters I'd position your umbrellas at 45s to the group. I'd keep your key about 1 stop above your fill. A 3rd Speedlite behind the group would provide nice separation. I would set my aperture at around f/5.6. That should give you enough DoF. Even in a dark church (or where ever you are going to be ) you should be able to properly expose the background without having to go higher than ISO 800 which will be plenty clean on your 5DII. You won't however be shooting at max sync speed. You'll probably be closer to 1/30th or 1/60th (again, it's really hard to guess not knowing what your ambient will look like). These are ballpark figures and should help you to get started.

  3. #3
    Senior Member iND's Avatar
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    Re: need wedding group photo tips

    Shoot the groups with a tripod and a cable release to avoid camera shake.

    You should be able to shoo tat ISO 800 with your camera with minimal noise.

    Clients can accept indoor shots being a little noisy, just do some post processing noise reduction and be sure to correct white balance before the shot or in photoshop.

    Personally the size of the group you have I would try to shoot closer to f9.

    Your concerns should be

    #1 proper focus (I use single focus on the bride, you can live with any one else slighlty blurred)

    #2 avoid camera shake (tripod, remote release, shoot three rapid fire exposures on all shots, second one is usually the best, and lets you pick out closed eyes)

    #3 use an F stop to cover the entire group. Watch the depth of the group set up with 12 people this can go three deep (I like F11 for groups)

    #4 Push the ISO to get you to at least 1/100 and F9. Don't be afraid to push the ISO it has the least affect on your finished product and that is what you paid for when you bought your Mark II

    #5 spend time rehearsing how to position your party before you get there.

    #6 watch your backgrounds

    #7 Try to have an assistant help with the group arrangement and straightening the groups, you will be too nervous with the camera settings.


    #9 off camera flash is great but tough to cover a large group. I agree 45 on the key light and if you use on camera direct it to the ceiling ( I use a Gary Fong here) Second off camera flash could be above your head or at the opposite 45. I always set my off camera to manual and do test shots earlier in the day.

    Good luck and let me know if I can help. I DO WEDDINGS.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Re: need wedding group photo tips

    Quote Originally Posted by iND

    #4 Push the ISO to get you to at least 1/100 and F9. Don't be afraid to push the ISO it has the least affect on your finished product and that is what you paid for when you bought your Mark II
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

    YEP. I'm slamming ISO numbers I would have never considered in the past and making huge enlargements for customers.

    Canon 5D MKII, Canon EX430, Canon EF70-200mm f/2.8 L IS USM, 70mm, f2/8, 1/160, ISO-800

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: need wedding group photo tips

    Thanks guys, I appreciate all your advice. I will definitely use these tips. I just learned that the setting for the staged bridal party pictures will be an outdoor grass lawn with a gazebo. Does anyone have any tips or examples of pictures shooting bridal party shots with a gazebo. My concern is for when they are inside the gazebo, if there are a lot of pillars/columns, a flash at 45 degrees may cast shadows. Thoughts? Thanks in advance.

  6. #6

    Re: need wedding group photo tips

    Quote Originally Posted by Cozen

    Thanks guys, I appreciate all your advice. I will definitely use these tips. I just learned that the setting for the staged bridal party pictures will be an outdoor grass lawn with a gazebo. Does anyone have any tips or examples of pictures shooting bridal party shots with a gazebo. My concern is for when they are inside the gazebo, if there are a lot of pillars/columns, a flash at 45 degrees may cast shadows. Thoughts? Thanks in advance.
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

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