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Thread: Finally got the moon and two energetic dogs

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  1. #1

    Finally got the moon and two energetic dogs

    Using information gained from these forums I was finally able to get a decent shot of the moon. Not on par with what I've seen here but I'll keep trying now that I've got the technique to some degree. Ok, not even close to what I've seen here but again, I'll keep evolving. It was shot using the 500/f4 lens and 5d MkII body.

    Elliot and Walt were taken with the 70-200/f2.8 lens. I was standing on a smooth and slippery rock in waist deep water, a genuine recipie for disaster. But, alls well that ends well. gary


  2. #2
    Senior Member Mark Elberson's Avatar
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    Dec 2008
    Medford, NJ

    Re: Finally got the moon and two energetic dogs

    Great shots! Well done. I love the 1st dog picture. Great capture.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: Finally got the moon and two energetic dogs

    Excellent work in my opinion. Love the dogs! I need to get my chocolate Labs out and try some shots with them. I don't have near as much to lose as you did. I have no excuses since I only have a 40D and a 28-135!

    BTW. EXIF data? We seem to have gotten away from that protocol here on the forum, and it certainly is educational, for me anyway, to see how a shot was captured.

  4. #4

    Re: Finally got the moon and two energetic dogs

    Excellent! I'm, too, interested in the technical details. My exif viewer (Firefox extension) says that it was taken at f/2.8 at 1/2000th. Did you use an AI Servo focus tracking mode? Multiple focus points, or just a center one? Was IS turned on, and if so was it on "mode 1" or "mode 2"? Details, please [A]

  5. #5

    Re: Finally got the moon and two energetic dogs

    PS: I believe I used AI Servo focus, center point. gary

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    St. Louis, Missouri

    Re: Finally got the moon and two energetic dogs

    Lovely shots - the detail and contrast on the moon is a treat to see.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: Finally got the moon and two energetic dogs

    Nice work! Consider motion blur for the dog shots - I often have to remind myself to consider this. I like stop-action for sports, but I find that a mix of blur helps show the action of the event, and I suspect the same can apply here. I normally default to 1/60th, except for prop/rotor aircraft where I default to 1/125th. And, if you're in a spot where flash makes sense, second-curtain can add some great effects.
    We're a Canon/Profoto family: five cameras, sixteen lenses, fifteen Profoto lights, too many modifiers.

  8. #8

    Re: Finally got the moon and two energetic dogs

    Ok, both dogs were shot as follows:

    5d/Mk II

    70-200/f2.8 IS (stayed dry)

    160mm, IS mode 2

    AV 5.6

    1/1000 shutter speed

    ISO 400

    Partial metering

    I'm always looking for stop action on these type of shots, but maybe I need to think of adding motion blur. The second curtain flash thing is beyond me at this point, but I'll file that suggestion away for future reference.

    I'd have included the info in the first post but I'm not accustomed to anyone wanting to know how I shot something. More often than not I screw it up. gary

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