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  1. #1
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    New website, what do you think?

    Hey all,

    I wanted to change my website for a long time. Mainly because the purpose of the website has changed and it needed a new layout. Bob inspired me to do it when he was working on his own website, thanks Bob!

    The webadress of my website is: or which roughly means: action in the picture. Which was my main goal when I started the site two years ago.

    This is the old layout (with pop-down menu for each item, mouse was on macro here):

    I used to have this website to post the galleries that I shot for local sportsevents. The new website will still be used for that occasionally, but I also want to show my favorite photos, read portfolio, with it.

    I have been working on it yesterday and I personally am glad that it went so smoothly. I anticipated a lot more work.

    The site is still in progress and the portfolio pages are filled with a few quickly picked photos to show you the idea.

    I'm really interested in what you think about it! Any feedback (positive and negative) is welcome. If I am redecorating the website I'd rather do it good in one time.

    A few things that I'd like to know:
    1. How are the loading times? With a 60Mb/s cable I'm probably not an objective tester myself.
    2. What do you think about the different photo galleries? I use a different layout for the portfolio and for the galleries.(because galleries could get rather big in certain events)
    3. How's the scaling of the background? Does it look properly on your screen? I use a 23 inch full HD 16:9 screen. Perhaps it doesn't scale as nice on smaller or different aspect ratio monitors?
    4. What do you think about the background? It takes quite a big jpg file to make it and it must be loaded every time. Is it worth it? A simple plain background would be the faster option.
    5. What do you think about the menu? Are the colors alright? Is it clearly readable?
    6. What about the logo?

    Thanks in advance for all feedback.

    Things I plan to do:
    • Change the background regularly to either my favorite photo of the month or a seasonal related photo. Perhaps a small slideshow later on(not too excited about that though).
    • Add photos to the different categories of the portfolio (I'm way behind sorting and post-processing though...)
    • Make some more decent "about" stories.
    • Make better pictures



  2. #2
    Senior Member bouwy's Avatar
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    Re: New website, what do you think?

    Just visited your site....Downloading galleries....was a little slow (no problems down loading anything else very quickly). Scaling, backgrounds, colours, menu and logo all look very cool. Congrats to the Paalman Brothers. Home Page: Is that a picture of the Rhine?.

    Wally Bouw Flickr Vimeo

  3. #3
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    Re: New website, what do you think?

    Heel prachtig.

    Loading times on my comp are shocking, my dsl runs through a copper wire in bare earth for 1km (not even in PVC) so I get 60KiB/s on a good day (drops out when it rains), thankyou Telstra. The portfolio shots didn
    An awful lot of electrons were terribly inconvenienced in the making of this post.
    Gear Photos

  4. #4
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    Re: New website, what do you think?

    Jos and Jan -

    Congrats on getting your site up and running!

    First off, in computer years I

  5. #5
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    Re: New website, what do you think?

    Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725
    Also, I think it would sound better "Welcome to our site" rather than "Welcome on our site"

    I think i've been around Dutch people too long, I didn't even notice that. It's the literal translation of "Welkom op onze site", (op = on, amongst other meanings). But yeah, "welcome to our site" is better in english...
    An awful lot of electrons were terribly inconvenienced in the making of this post.
    Gear Photos

  6. #6
    Super Moderator Kayaker72's Avatar
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    Re: New website, what do you think?


    I like the site, when I can get it to load, which has been only once in three attempts, and then when clicking around, it freezes up. But, from what I have seen, I like the minimalist layout.

    Also, "Who are we" under "About" is probably meant to be "Who we are."


  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Re: New website, what do you think?

    Ok, so I've updated a few things. Personally I'm not really liking the fact that I removed the grid on the background. The galleries don't stand out so much now. But that's my idea and your view is more important to me, because you view it in a different way.

    Hopefully the galleries are improved a lot now. That was my main concern when reading all of your feedback.

    To answer all the other questions and remarks:

    Quote Originally Posted by bouwy

    Home Page: Is that a picture of the Rhine?.

    It's not the Rhine. I wish we had such mountains in the Netherlands. The photo was shot in Norway from the bridge to Måløy looking south. Some nice views there

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Croubie
    Background image looks good, although I could
    tell it was a bit pixellated from upsizing (my monitor is 2560x1440),
    expecially on diagonal roofs in the bottom-right. Taking the biggest
    image possible (2560x1600) and down-scaling makes for prettier, but
    longer loading. Cropping 1:1 pixels is even prettier, but loses
    composition. Loading the background for each click-through takes half a
    second, surely there must be a script way around this though?

    Yes, this was a dilemma. I downscaled it to 2000pixels because that's enough for most monitors. The background file is now about 230Kb. If I would resize it to 2560 pixels wide, that would increase the size to about 350Kb. That's quite a big increasement. In my environment I only know 1 person with a screen with such big resolution so I thought it wasn´t worth it to let all other users download more and have slower loading times because of the few people with big resolutions. What´s your take on that?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Croubie
    When looking through the portfolio and the
    background dims, it goes a bit blocky, like looking at it through a
    screen-door, was that intentional? doesn't look bad, but it's not a real
    'simple-darkening' if that's the effect you wanted. When looking at an
    actual portfolio pic, the 'screen-doored' background gets a bit darker
    again (i presume this is what you intended)

    The "grid" was intentional. I haven't figured out how to change it to "just" darkening yet. I disabled the grid for now to see what you all think about it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Croubie
    The menu on the left was almost in the middle
    of my screen (again, probably from having such a high-res screen). Menu
    looks good, well laid out and easy to read. I didn't see your old site,
    but if those menus change from mouse-hovering, I don't like that effect,
    i prefer clicking, so the new one is good.

    The menu and body of the website together are placed in the centre of the screen. If you open a portfolio page for instance you'll see that there's just the same amount of background on the left side as is on the right side.

    Having the menu almost in the middle is the concequence of having a monitor with high resolution

    The old menu was crappy and yes it did change with mouse-hovering. I'm much happier with this menu myself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Croubie
    As for the bilinguality (if that's not a word
    it is now): name of (company?) in dutch, everything else in english.
    (add the translation and explanation of the name to the 'about us' page

    Very good idea. It's definitely not a company, but I get your point. I will adapt it in the english about section.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Croubie
    I click on the 'Nature' photos, and the
    bottom-left says 'natuur-1' in dutch (or is that just the

    Yes, that is actually the title of the image, however with importing: the title changes to the filename. Since these photos were just to fill the portfolio temporary I didn't mind. I changed the titles in the "various" portfolio tab so you can see what the future idea is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Croubie

    The 'about us' page is a bit more
    detailed in the dutch version, but then the missing paragraphs are aimed
    at dutch people (sports/events photos?), so maybe ok to leave that off
    the english page. If you're in Overijssel, any plans to cross the border
    for events? need a german page too?

    My plan, if it was me, is to create one completely dutch page (dutch
    menus etc), default when coming from .nl, and one completely english
    page when you come there via the .com, with a way to switch languages
    while you're there (flag in the corner or so).

    The about us pages are also quickly made and definitely not done yet. Normally the galleries will only be used for events and sports. With those events I always give high resolution photos for free to the players or the visitors. They just email me with the number of the photo and I'll send them the big file. Since I haven't done any international events I'm not likely to send high res photos to foreign people. That's why I only included that in the Dutch about section. I might also include it in the English one, but I have to think about it. I cannot have just anyone asking for my high res photos. Eventhough with events I'm not likely to get any privacy issues, that might change when I send peoples photos across the entire world I'll think about it.

    Your plan sounds great! Better yet, I've tried to create it, but haven't succeeded yet. It's quite a lot of work and I haven't found a good place to place the language choice button yet. I'll look into that in the future, but for now it's more than I can handle.

    About the German page: I might get to Belgium or Germany eventually, but I will not supply more languages than English and Dutch. My main base of visitors will be Dutch and all the others will just have to speak English and I know that's not a problem for nearby countries.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Croubie
    Any plans to sell prints? at the least a
    'contact us for paper versions' line somewhere is the easiest, print
    yourself and post...

    No, no plans to sell any prints. It's definitely not my intention. However your tip sound like a good way to make clear that it is possible. I'm open for it, but I don't want to get too commercially. I like the simple show and tell idea of the site.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Croubie
    definitely looks like the trip to norwegen paid off.

    Definitely! It was the most beautiful country I've ever been. We've done the major sorting, but still need to do the tweaking and the post-processing...the website was priority 1 and Norway 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Croubie
    (even more inspiration to get my own site up
    and running. I've owned for nearly 10 years, and it doesn't
    do anything except redirect emails...)

    When Bob started I knew I had to do it myself as well. Inspirational forums

    Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725
    Your food photography is awesome & I hope you
    are going to do more of it. If you are, you should change the name from
    various to food & beverage and give it it's own space. Otherwise,
    move various to the bottom under sports & events.

    Thanks Denise Actually the photos are from a sunday where me and my 2 brothers were at home and we decide to make a big sunday dinner for the three of us with anything we could grab inside the house and started experimenting. It was awesome and we've eaten amazingly good. Everything you see was made out of lose ingredients and fresh herbs from the garden. Delicious, but honestly the frittata tasted horrible :P It was a nice sunday afternoon and evening of cooking though We might do that more often, but I'm not planning on shooting foods every weekend. But you never know I've changed the order of the menu.

    Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725
    On your "About Us" page, I'd like to see the photo of the two of you a bit larger.

    Done, tell me if this is big enough. Also do you like it that you can click on the image to see the original or is it useless?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Croubie

    Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725
    Also, I think it would sound better "Welcome to our site" rather than "Welcome on our site"

    I think i've been around Dutch people too long, I didn't even notice
    that. It's the literal translation of "Welkom op onze site", (op = on,
    amongst other meanings)

    Lol! Yea, it's a Dutch problem I know how to write it properly, but it does feel ok to write it the other way That's why I asked people who can really talk English.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kayaker72
    I like the site, when I can get it to load,
    which has been only once in three attempts, and then when clicking
    around, it freezes up.

    I made some changes, please tell me if you're keeping the same problems.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Williams
    2. In the About (english) section. I personally would like to see a little more info.

    Will do Bob, this was just to show what the idea was. Are there any points that would be important to put into the about section?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Williams
    3. The homepage loaded fine on first attempt, but failed each time after that

    Hopefully this has changed after the changes I made. Let me know if you will.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Williams
    4. The hompage photo was very nice and
    opened up in full screen on my widescreen monitor--the screen resolution
    was also very good--I liked it, but it may be slowing down your
    loading time.

    Yes it's a dilemma between fast and beautiful. Since the site will be a portfolio rather than a blog or a place to sell my photos I think people will have more time when they visit. So I prefer a little longer load time over speed. If I had a more commercial vision, I would have chosen differently.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Williams
    Hope this helps,

    All of you have no idea how much this feedback helps. It's fantastic! Even little changes in grammar can make a site look more professional.

    I think I'm having an above average computer and internet connection so it might look good on my computer, it may be a mess on a regular pc/connection. That's why this feedback is very helpful.

    So thanks again for all of your help!


  8. #8
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: New website, what do you think?

    Jan, One more piece of advice---Though we all are provideing our "best" advice---ultimately it is you and your brother that you have to please. If you don

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Re: New website, what do you think?

    I hear you Bob. To be honest, about the grain, I like the darkening effect, but I'm not sure about the raster. So I'm in between and I wanted to show you what it is without the grid. It's an easy change and I can afford it because there's no rush. (but secretly I hope I can figure out a way to create a more equal way of darkening without a grid)

    By the way, the advice tastes great!

    Thanks Bob.

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Re: New website, what do you think?


    Congratulations on the site! I think it looks wonderful. I didn

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