I actually have a spare MicroSD and SD adapter for mSD that I put in the 5D MK3, I can write low res JPG to the secondary card. If I want to upload to dropbox, or provide a client with immediate JPG in low res, or high res raw for that matter, I just pop the mSD into the phone and oila. With the speeds this phone gets, 15mbps down and 5 up on a good day, its easy. The only drawback is reduced burst shoot due to the low write speeds of the mSD within the adapter, but I don’t burst too much. It would be cool if there was a way to sync the camera to the phone, with a wifi SD card, I think I have read about. I know my phone has wifi sharing, so I think it would be easy to get an app put together and market it. It could stream images from a wifi SD card to a remote server via android app. I know Canon makes an attachment, but I think it is just short range only to PC or something.