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  1. #1

    upgrading..what to get?

    hi folks! just want to ask for your suggestions & opinions. I'm planning of getting a new body (bigger) and torn between the 7D & 5D Mark II. I do casual shoot like indoors & outdoors, family gatherings, etc. basically I can say a general shooter. I find the 7D a very good camera with its numerous new features and I find the 5D Mark II the same and its full frame!!! I'm thinking that the 5D Mark II might be too much for me and what I do so I'm a bit hesitant to get it. Coming from acropped frame body, the 7Dmight be the right one for me.Having said that, I still find it hard on what to get. Your suggestions will be highly appreciated. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Re: upgrading..what to get?

    Quote Originally Posted by cxr
    I'm thinking that the 5D Mark II might be too much for me

    I would say that the 7D and 5D2 are about the same in terms of technological advancement. One isn't harder to use than the other.

    Quote Originally Posted by cxr
    I do casual shoot like indoors & outdoors, family gatherings, etc. basically I can say a general shooter.

    Then go 5D2. Full frame is a joy to use. Go 7D if you shoot sports or wildlife, otherwise 5D2 is great.

    Remember that both are great bodies, you can't really go wrong. Try renting them and see which you like better.

    good luck,


  3. #3

    Re: upgrading..what to get?

    Hi cxr,

    What kind of equipment do you already own? It would make no sense getting a 5D Mark II if you only own EF-s lenses. What do you think that holds you back? Would you rather have better low light performance or quick autofocus and high frame rates?


  4. #4
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    Re: upgrading..what to get?

    If cxr is getting a "bigger" body, then one would assume that the existing body is a Rebel of some sort. But good questions.


    Need the info, my friend! What lenses do you currently own? When you say you shoot "indoors and outdoors", that doesn't limit it much. [] I shoot in those exact same places. But more specifically, I shoot interior and exterior architecture, portraits, and wildlife, mostly birds so far because that has been what has presented itself to me. Your intended subjects and current lens selection are very relevant to answering your question.

    Having no info so far, though, I would suggest the 5D Mark II. Or maybe the 7D.

  5. #5

    Re: upgrading..what to get?

    thanks guys! At the moment I have a 500D with 10-22, 15-85, 50 1.8 and 18-55. I mostly shoot people if indoors and landscape on outdoors. I'm still in the process of improving my skill but its a great fun learning new things. Personally, I think the 5D Mark II is too much for me but I think if you have it and couple of good lenses it will serve you for many years. The 7D on the other hand I think is practical as I have EF-S lenses at the moment.

  6. #6
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    Re: upgrading..what to get?

    Hi cxr,

    I am in almost the exact same boat. Don't know if you saw my other discussion "thoughts on a 2nd body". I also am deciding between the 5DmkII and 7D. Also like you I'm relatively new - not a complete gumby - but new and eager to learn. I shoot some of the same stuff you do, people indoors mostly with my "nifty fifty" (this was my 1st lens and I learned a lot about composition and DoF - had to foot zoom a lot but that's ok indoors) and I use my 17-mm f/4 outdoors for landscape and 70-200 f/4 for outdoor activities such as shooting my daughter at the playground. I've done all this on my 500D (T1i) and now I am considering a 2nd body (my wife and I are always fighting over who gets the camera).

    Some have said that the 5DmkII and the 7D is a lot camera for a newb - and I agree in the sense that there are aspects of it I won't be able to take full advantage of immediately. But I believe I have a lot room to grow and it sounds like you are eager to learn and get better as well. I guess we both have the bug.

    That said from what I've heard so far it really boils down to better autofocus vs better low light performance. Both seem to take great images and both were highly recommended in the reviews of this site. I still think I am going to go with the 5DmkII just because I want the FF experience and have the ef lenses for it already. I already have 1.6 body. You have mostly ef-s lenses so the upgrade to the 5DmkII has to include additional coin set aside to add the glass. If coin is part of the equation, that might be something to consider too.

    good luck with the decision,


  7. #7
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    Re: upgrading..what to get?

    I don't have a lot of time so I'll make it quick.

    I just upgraded from a 50D to a 5DII, but I have to say it IS more difficult to take pictures with. You have a much more shallow depth of field, which can be very nice, but it is kind of a challenge as well. So yes I have to say that I think it is harder to shoot with.

    My opinion. With both cameras you'll be very satisfied. 7D is more userfriendly I think and if you already own only 1 EF lens and 3 EF-S lenses it might be the best option, because you'll loose quite a bit of money by selling them.

    Also the 5D does not have a built in flash. You might use occasionally when snapshotting around.

    Those are a few things I can think of at the moment. Maybe I'll get back later this evening. Good luck!


  8. #8
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    Re: upgrading..what to get?

    It doesn't sound like you need the sports/action features of the 7D or the full frame of the 5D2, so I recommend buying lenses instead. When the 60D comes out (in less than 6 months), you might consider that upgrade.

  9. #9
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    Re: upgrading..what to get?

    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Browning

    It doesn't sound like you need the sports/action features of the 7D or the full frame of the 5D2, so I recommend buying lenses instead. When the 60D comes out (in less than 6 months), you might consider that upgrade.

    Good point...

  10. #10

    Re: upgrading..what to get?

    thanks everyone! all your comments and suggestions are highly appreciated..thanks again! at the moment i'm leaning towards the 7D as it will be practical for me because all my lenses are EF-S. most probaly i'll get 1 L lens (most probably the 24-70)if ever i'll go with the 7D to boost its full potential. thanks again! comments and suggestions are still welcome!

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