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Thread: Looking for verification . . . and a little advice

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Looking for verification . . . and a little advice

    New to this group so "Hi" to everybody.

    After a long absence from photography (which I did many years ago) I finally decided to get back in the fun. I gave myself a budget and a set of parameters that I wanted to work within. Then after much deliberation and reading hundreds of product reviews and forums (like this one) I started buying. First up was the camera body. I decided on the Canon T1i for a variety of reasons, but mainly because of price. The three-lens kit that I wanted was the Canon 70-200mm f.4.0 L IS with the 1.4 II extender for telephoto, the Canon 17-40mm f.4.0 L for architecture & landscape and the Canon 100mm f2.8 L IS for macro. I shoot mainly outdoors with natural light so the f 2.8 was not that important to me except for the macro shots. I felt that going with the best glass was more important than an expensive body at this time. I will be going full-frame in the near future, but just could not swing it at this time with my self-imposed budget..

    So the question is . . .

    Ever since I made the above purchases, I keep reading more reviews and forums and sometimes find myself second-guessing the decisions I made. Don

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Re: Looking for verification . . . and a little advice

    Welcome! you

  3. #3
    Senior Member Andy Stringer's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for verification . . . and a little advice

    I agree with all of the above, but at this stage it's probably sensible to resist advice about more lenses, even if it's good advice. Whether your next move is a fast prime, a lighting set-up, a tripod or a full frame camera will depend on what you want to achieve but can't with your current kit. In the meantime, you can take great pictures with what you have, and if you're happy with your results so far then you shouldn't worry about what else you could have purchased. I thinkyou were right to give priority to good glass, and you have selected three very good lenses that you can eventually use on full frame when you're ready to make that move.

    As for L disease,you might have it, but it's up to you whether you let it take control or whether you can resist. Personally, I can resist anything except temptation.
    Last edited by Andy Stringer; 11-12-2011 at 06:00 PM.

  4. #4
    Senior Member dsiegel5151's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for verification . . . and a little advice

    I think you could use a fast prime (35mm f2, 50mm f1.4, 85mm f1.8, or their "L" equivalents), but other than that, your kit is very nice. I wouldn
    My Flickr page
    Canon Eos 1DIII, Canon Eos 20D, Canon Eos T3i, Canon Eos M, Canon EF 400mm f5.6L, Canon EF 300mm f4L IS, Canon EF 70-200 f2.8L IS II, Canon EF 180mm f3.5L macro, EF Canon 24-70mm f2.8L, Canon EFs 60mm f2.8, Canon EF 50mm f1.4, Canon EF 50mm f2.5 compact macro, Canon EF 40mm f2.8, Canon EF-M 22mm f2, Canon 430EX II

  5. #5
    Super Moderator Kayaker72's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for verification . . . and a little advice

    Welcome to the forum!

    There are a variety of afflictions from which you may be suffering. Most common within this forum isreferred to as "<span style="background-color: #ffffff;"]<span style="color: #ff0000;"]L" disease. It's primary symptom is a compulsion toacquire high quality lenses, usually witha red ring near the front of the lens, or other photography gear. But it does not sound like you yet suffer from the typical variant of this disease. [:P]

    I agree, it is very easy to second guess decisions regarding photography gear. I find myself doing it now and again. But, ultimately, if you are happy with your gear and happy with your photos, you have made good decisions. I think the reason it is easy to second guess gear is because, once you cross a certain threshold, all of the gear is good. Not perfect, but very good, maybe evengreat. So you can covet another lens thinking it would be great...and you are right. Because it and your current gear are both good to great. It is made worse because no lens/gear does it all.

    My advice would be to accept the limitations of your gear andfocus on the pictures, the technique, and to keep shooting. As soon as you are trying to take a picture and your gear can't do it very well, then that is the time to think about new gear. Create the need. Otherwise, your gear is getting the job done and this is what matters.

    I like the "assignments" in this forum (and really everyone's posts too) as they keep challenging me to do something I haven't thought about. Right now the assignment is "Shadows."So driving down the road, all I see are shadows and I am thinking about to photography them well. Ok, I am also paying attention to the road []. My point is that there is a lot to gear, sure, but there is even more in learning all you can do with your gear.At least, that is where I am at.

    BTW, all of your gear sounds good to me, especially the lenses.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Re: Looking for verification . . . and a little advice

    You did the right thing - investing in glass and not spending too much on the body. And the lenses you bought are very very good.

    The internet is abound with people who like talking about gear so you will always read about the new toys and how much people love them. It

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Re: Looking for verification . . . and a little advice

    Quote Originally Posted by Elexis
    I am very happy with what I bought and the quality shots that I am getting

    So...the problem is what????

    I don't see anything on your list that would make me unhappy if I were on a budget. Now if you get a little more cash in the budgetthere is always room to move up. If I had your lenses I wouldn't mind upgrading the body next. But then some people would keep adding lenses. Its a never ending cycle, once you have all the lenses you think you need, then a new improved version will come out.

    So I have to is nothing wrong with you. But then I am in denial myself.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Re: Looking for verification . . . and a little advice

    Hello and welcome to the forum!

    More productive than buying additional lenses would be to hang around here and get inspired from all of these wonderful photographers while you hone your skills!

    When you develop a need for a particular lens, then you

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