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Thread: please critique/give photographer

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2008

    please critique/give photographer

    I am just getting my feet wet when it comes to photography. I really do enjoy it though and it's definitely something I want to learn more about. I've been using a Powershot S5 IS and I'm looking to move up to an slr soon for sports.

    I don't really think in terms of composition (I'm more into sports) yet and stuff like depth of field, background, and rule of thrids doesn't really come to mind when I'm shooting.So keep in mind I'm a beginner. But here are some of my photos that I have done since I got my camera:

    If you have the time to take a look, any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Let me know what you like, don't like, what you would change, any reoccuring things to improve on, stuff like that.

    Thanks a lot

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Vancouver, Washington, USA

    Re: please critique/give photographer

    Lots of really great stuff. I think most of the photos have the important things: subject and composition. They were interesting to see. If I had to find something to nitpick, it would be the technicals (blown highlights, ugly flare, etc.) which are probably due to limitations in your equipment.

    Keep up the good work!

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: please critique/give photographer


    Welcome mate to the forum. I've had a look at your work and I have to say not bad, not bad at all. You have got some of the basic's down, depth of field, framing, rule of thirds etc (watch out for that keystone effect you have in some of your building shots) Pick a few photos you really like and post it on this forum, these guys really know there stuff and will give you honest feed back, they have helped me a lot.

    I don't know how new you are at this but as I always say "watch your butt when shooting people", make sure you have there permission (model release / agreement) In general nice photos, good colour in a few, and shutter speed pretty good. A photograph to me has to tell a story, you put it together, you make it happen, if you don't then it is a snap shot. If you want inspiration, check out Sean Setters' (he's on this site most days, hey Sean) work, he does fantastic work and I admire his pure tallent.

    All the best mate and keep it going, it is not the equipment (it does help though sometimes) but the photographer that make a great photograph. Once again well done.

    Scott Wicks

  4. #4

    Re: please critique/give photographer

    Lots of great entries, Brendan. I like your waterfalls, fountains, bridges, and cityscapes the most. How do you control your exposure (manual, Av, etc)? Composition-wise, I see a lot of centered subjects (Images: "Geese", "Ducks", and the "Bee" one) which would appear more interesting if placed off center. Also, in cases where you have two birds, either I'd try to fit them both in the frame, or just one to avoid cutting the other bird off. Watch what gets in your frame as you're about to hit the shutter button. I bet that the car in the "Cool Graphic" image got into the frame at the last second causing it to partially block the wall. Also, watch how the quality of light affects your image. Try to shoot something during the time when the sun is not straight up above you. If you see something interesting shoot it, then come back during later hours (7 - 7:30PM) and shoot it again to see the effect of softer light on the texture of your subjects.

    Welcome to the forum, and have fun shooting!


  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: please critique/give photographer

    Thanks for the feedback guys. I really appreciate it. I'll deffinitely try and keep those tips in mind when shooting. I'll post more stuff on here as it comes.

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