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Thread: Adobe Raw Converter for the new 1DMarkIV

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  1. #1

    Adobe Raw Converter for the new 1DMarkIV

    The Adobe customer service informs me upon request, that the actual ACR version 5.5 does not support the 1DIV. The following version 5.6 is only available as testversion via Adobe Labs at the moment. Also this version does not yet support the 1DIV. It is not yet known when the next version will be available.

    I think this not really a problem because there is DPP.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Re: Adobe Raw Converter for the new 1DMarkIV

    With all due respect, why do you care? You have a 5D Mark II in the box unopened. Are you going to trade it in? The 1D IV isn't shipping yet as far as I know. Until it's shipping, there's no reason to worry about converter support.
    We're a Canon/Profoto family: five cameras, sixteen lenses, fifteen Profoto lights, too many modifiers.

  3. #3

    Re: Adobe Raw Converter for the new 1DMarkIV

    I believe that he has both a 1D IV and a 5D II.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Re: Adobe Raw Converter for the new 1DMarkIV

    He has a 1D IV? They aren't expected to ship until December.

    He's already said that he has 5D Mark II that he's leaving in the box until Christmas, and he's just reading the manual to learn how to operate it before he touches it.
    We're a Canon/Profoto family: five cameras, sixteen lenses, fifteen Profoto lights, too many modifiers.

  5. #5

    Re: Adobe Raw Converter for the new 1DMarkIV


    you are right. I don´t have the 1DIV yet. It not available yet. I always do that: Reading the manual before I touch the camera, btw. I also do that when I get a new car. I read the manual before I start to drive.

    As far as the converter is concerned I just wanted to inform about the latest news from Adobe.

    I am going to have a problem with the ACR 5.3. It cannot open pictures which I took with the Nikon D90 when NEF/RAW + JPEG is captured. Elements 7 only opens the JPEG. Thats why I am in contact with Adobe. I am still waiting for an answer from Adobe. As I am going to sell my Nikon gear it is not so important.

  6. #6
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    Re: Adobe Raw Converter for the new 1DMarkIV

    Quote Originally Posted by peety3

    He has a 1D IV? They aren't expected to ship until December.

    He's already said that he has 5D Mark II that he's leaving in the box until Christmas, and he's just reading the manual to learn how to operate it before he touches it.

    Not sure if I could describe that as discipline or what, but there is no way I would have a 5D Mark II in my possession and not be using it already. I respect the idea of reading the manual first to get to know the camera before you use it. Waiting until Christmas (unless you are a REALLY slow reader) to open the box might be some kind of insanity!

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2009

    Re: Adobe Raw Converter for the new 1DMarkIV

    Quote Originally Posted by peety3

    He has a 1D IV? They aren't expected to ship until December.

    He's already said that he has 5D Mark II that he's leaving in the box until Christmas, and he's just reading the manual to learn how to operate it before he touches it.

    Not sure if I could describe that as discipline or what, but there is no way I would have a 5D Mark II in my possession and not be using it already. I respect the idea of reading the manual first to get to know the camera before you use it. Waiting until Christmas (unless you are a REALLY slow reader) to open the box might be some kind of insanity!

  8. #8

    Re: Adobe Raw Converter for the new 1DMarkIV

    Quote Originally Posted by peety3
    He has a 1D IV? They aren't expected to ship until December.

    OK, sorry. His profile says that he has bought one and has not received it yet.

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