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  1. #1
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    1D mark IV HDR...

    I received my Mark IV today via UPS(got it at 8am), started delivering (I am a UPS driver myself), went to a customer and charged the battery. came back after 2 hours, and once the day was done, finally made it to the beach to take a couple of shots. I haven't done ANY pixel peeping at all, and I haven't compared it to my 5D2 yet. I got the camera, and along with my 5D2, I plan on using it as much as possible!! Nothing has the feel like the 1 series cameras( I mean other cameras(LOL)); even my 5D2 w/grip doesn't even come close. Anyways, here are a couple of 5 shot HDR (can't do that with my 5D2!!), hand held using 16-35II, at f11. there is also a properly exposed photo so you can see where it came from. These are HAND HELD, with 2 second timer. 1 came out pretty ok, the other you can tell there was movement. Thanks for looking...Gregg

    1st original...16mm, f11@1/60th




    2nd HDR


  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Re: 1D mark IV HDR...

    As hard as I work... I can only afford a 500D... You are one lucky guy.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    The Netherlands

    Re: 1D mark IV HDR...


    I love your picture a lot! That is so cool!

    I never understood how to make a hdr...can you explain it to me in short terms? I really love it how the shadows turn into nicely exposed parts of the picture. Good job, enjoy your mark 4 []

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Re: 1D mark IV HDR...

    awesome pictures, I bet that is one cool camera!

  5. #5

    Re: 1D mark IV HDR...

    Looks great Gregg. Those are HDRs as the should be!

    Have fun with your 1D mk4! (and keep us posted on your findings...)

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Re: 1D mark IV HDR...

    congratulation! have fun and great image making with the new 1D Mark IV

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Re: 1D mark IV HDR...

    I'd love to see a post on your HDR workflow...

  8. #8
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    Re: 1D mark IV HDR...

    thanks very much everybody for the great comments!!! Much appreciated. the fact that the Mark IV has the option to take multiple exposures(3,2,5,or 7 shots), with either a 2 or 10 second timer(all other non 1 series can only do 3), is a huge advantage. With my 5D2, I've been doing HDR's with just 3, and have had some great luck. Being able to do 5 now, makes for much smoother transition from shadows to highlights.

    Granted, with a tripod(I use one sometimes), you can do multiple exposures beyond the 3, and get a great results, too. Unfortunately, I find myself on the fly more often than not(got a 2.5 yr old!!), that I just have to shoot and run!!

    HDR's are quite easy. find a scene that the camera can't possibly meter everything, set your camera to AEB, adjust how much over/underexposure you'd like(neg...correct...over), and shoot. You'll need software(I use Photomatix Pro from; I use it as a plugin through LR 2.6.

    I make a few tonal adjustments in LR, sometimes I export to DFine 2.0 for noise reduction prior to export to Photomatix(HDR's can bring a lot of noise with them), then tone map , and generate, them export back to LR. The controls in Photomatix are a little tricky, so playing around with them helps you understand them a little better( I have in NO WAY mastered them by any means), and helps you get the desired results. then once re-imported, make adjustments like normal.

    The most recent Digital Photo Pro mag has an article on HDR, and I also have a Kelby Training video done by Matt Kloskowski called "Real World HDR" that has some great tips, too. Practice and just take lots of shots. Joe Mcnally always says, and I quote..."Pixels are FREE"!!!

    Here is another that I took today....hand held, ISO 100, f14...24mm(24-105L), 5 exposures, 1/800th-1/125th


  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    San Francisco, CA

    Re: 1D mark IV HDR...

    Ha! I use the SAME technique for HDR... set up my Exposure Bracketing (actually have it bound to the "C2" button on both my 50D and 7D), large RAW, high-speed continuous, 2-sec timer, Av mode @ f/4 (but I usually change that to like f/8 or f/11 but that's different for each photo), and then I just have to frame it up, press the shutter and hold steady and it's soooooo fast when it takes those (6.5fps and 8fps respectively) but I'll bet it's sexy on the 1D MK IV! I'll want to get one soon!

    This was taken a few days ago using that method but on a 5D Mark II and 14mm f/2.8 I was renting.

    - Jordan

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    The Netherlands

    Re: 1D mark IV HDR...

    Thanks gregg for explaining your workflow. I will try it some time. I always liked HDRs but I never really understood em until now. Thanks for the input.

    Btw nice pictures guys[Y]

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