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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    7D White Balance

    Hey, everyone! I got my 7D about two weeks ago. I've had an xsi for two years. All the pictures on my 7D come out yellow - no matter what the white balance setting. I could almost always use AWB on my xsi and have everything come out correct, or at least close enough that adjusting the RAW image wasn't too tedious. Last night, I had my 7D and xsi side by side with the exact same settings (including picture style settings). The xsi would get the colors right on and the 7D was yellow, yellow, yellow. I did a couple things to get the 7D to look right, but it was a battle. I adjusted the Kelvin temperature manually and played with the White Balance Shift a little bit. The only thing is that once I adjust all that and then take a picture, the thing I wanted to take a picture of (usually my kiddos) is gone. I know I can do a custom white balance, but I didn't have to do that with my xsi, so it's irritating to do it with a camera that is supposed to be so much more advanced. Is there something wrong with this particular camera? Do all 7Ds do this? Is there a trick I need to know? Does anyone else have a 7D with this issue. Again, the most frustrating thing is that my $600 xsi gets it right and my $1600 7D is not even close.

    Thanks, everyone!

  2. #2
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Re: 7D White Balance

    Verify that you didn't accidentally change the default setting for the color tone in your selected picture style to a positive number.

  3. #3
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: 7D White Balance

    My 7D does very well with AWB - colors are 'proper' and whites are white in jpgs, even under somewhat iffy conditions (e.g. indoors with tungsten and CFL lights plus daylight from open windows). If anything, AWB on the 7D does a better job than my T1i. I haven't 'formally' tested the 7D (with my ColorChecker Passport), but I'll get around to that sometime soon.

  4. #4
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    Re: 7D White Balance

    Sean: The Color Tone is set to "0" in all my picture style settings. Is there anything else that could be causing this from my end?

    Neuroanatomist: Do you think it's just this camera? I purchased it from a local Canon dealer and I'm going there tonight. I'm going to test this camera against their floor model.

  5. #5
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    Re: 7D White Balance

    BTW, I googled this and it appears as though I'm not the only one with "yellow" pictures. Is this something Canon can fix with a firmware update? I'm really nervous about keeping a $1600 camera that I'm not really happy with.

  6. #6
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Re: 7D White Balance

    Quote Originally Posted by kwilter100

    BTW, I googled this and it appears as though I'm not the only one with "yellow" pictures. Is this something Canon can fix with a firmware update? I'm really nervous about keeping a $1600 camera that I'm not really happy with.
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    Exchange it for another one. See if that fixes your issue.

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Re: 7D White Balance

    kwilter100, I just got my 7D on Saturday and I am have the same "yellow" issuse with the WB that I did not have with my xsi. What happend when you went back to the Canon store where you got your camera. Was it your camera or all 7Ds? And is this something a firmware update will fix. I don't want to update the firmware if I still need to return it afterwards.


  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Re: 7D White Balance

    Hello, here is my view.

    You have a truly remarkable, life changing camera. Me too.

    What I found is that after purchasing an ExpoDisc for around 90 dollars and doing custom white balances off of the light sources illuminating my image, that my white balance and color qualities became shockingly good.

    I couldn't recommend this more highly. You will learn to do it very quickly.

    It really showcases your amazing camera.

    With my old gear, I thought I would never custom white balance.

    But now I will never go back. I custom white balance 95% of the time.

    You can really see the difference

  9. #9
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: 7D White Balance

    Another excellent option is to simply shoot in RAW, where without any affect on image quality you can adjust the white balance to any of the presets in post, or select a Kelvin temperature, or just click on something white in the image.

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    Re: 7D White Balance

    @ neuroanatomist: I do all those things. i just like to get the images as close to color correct as I can in camera is all. And yes I know, I want the impossible. LOL!!!

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