hi guys,
been recently invited to a party held at a bar.... place was really dark... had my gear and tried to take some photos.... had a hard time.... i was using my 24-70 2.8 opening was at already at 2.8 and ISO was already at 1600 and still can
hi guys,
been recently invited to a party held at a bar.... place was really dark... had my gear and tried to take some photos.... had a hard time.... i was using my 24-70 2.8 opening was at already at 2.8 and ISO was already at 1600 and still can
I think the 35L would be better for those situations. You can always crop a bit if needed. Also, the 50L is really optimized for portraits with great bokeh, rather than being designed primarily for low ambient light use.
I second neuro's recommendation, the 35L.
I have a few dark restaurants I go to. One is real dark and I have never gotten decent pics there with the 35mm 1.4L. I can never get enough speed even at F1.4 and a higher ISO. Never over 3200. I keep trying though.
Even though you gain a few F stops and loose some depth of field with the 35mm, you still may not end up with the IQ your looking for if it is real dark.
From what you are describing 2 stops might not be enough gain for ambient only.
thanks HD for that elaboration... it's a good thing you mentioned that coz in my parts of the woods you have to buy the lens before you can uae it... haven't heard of lens rentals around here...
oh BTW will post some photos of that event please have a look and see what you think...
What kind of camera are you using? I
- Trowski
first shot 1/15 f2.8 at 68mm FEC -2/3 iso 1600 about 2 - 3 feet subject disatnce [ i.e right across the table }
iso 6400 1/200 f.28 no flash about 4 - 5 feet from subject
all wer shot on a 5d2 24-70 2.8L sraw1 format converted to jpeg using DPP no post process[ except for converting to jpeg] was done....
Originally Posted by jks_photo
One more thought here - consider something other than DPP for your post processing. I've found that DxO handles ISO noise a lot better than DPP (DxO claims a 2-stop benefit from their NR). There are also plugin options such as Noise Ninja and others - there was a thread on that a while back. Two stops from aperture, and two stops from NR, and you might be where you want to be.
Here's a snippet from a comparison of DPP vs. DxO that I posted a while back:
This set of shots is from a PowerShot S95, where ISO noise is a bigger problem.This was shot at ISO 640 (the crop factor for the S95 is 4.6, so this is approximately equivalent to ISO 3200 on FF or ISO 2000 on a crop sensor).
The improvement in noise is detectable even when looking at the whole image, and pretty evident when looking at the 100% crop of my daughter making friends with a Madagascar hissing cockroach. Sharpness is better with DxO, too. You can start to see the striations on the cockroach's antenna that are not evident in the DPP image.
am using full frame... a 5d2... i was considering the 24 at first but when I am looking at this focal length through my 24-70 I do detect some "distortion"[????] alone the edges....not so good when taking somewhat closeup shots of people..
Originally Posted by jks_photo
The obious answer is to crank up the ISO and use the 24-70 one more time to determine which focal length seems more useful...
Sorry, I should have read your first post more carefully, obviously I missed that you were using a 5DII.
In that case, on full-frame I
- Trowski