I got this idea that I'm working which originally was thought of by one of the members here and I think there is potential with the idea. It's meant to be silly but with an underlying serious thought. I'm looking at the idea because its different, creative and bold. I just have to present it right so it doesn't get weird. Here is what I've worked up so far after four versions with the help of member William. Image is pretty much done but I may not have the wording as good as it can be. Idea that I'm going for deals with the make believe hiring of a highend professional hitman. You'd want someone with skill and who abides by the hitman code of professionalism sort of like James Bond to an extent. My business name has been freelanceshots for seven or eight years so this kind of fits into the name. If anyone can contribute a better massage or one liner then I'm open to hearing it. Its going to be my opening page on my website and I'm hoping it attracts new attention.
What I've done before:
1. Just freelanceshots commercial photography logo
2. freelance logo with bullet graphics
2. Professional results, no questions asked
3. When a true professional is needed
4. When professionalism and precision count
I'm thinking the simpler the better at least for the opening page.