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Thread: Could the 60D actually turn into a 7D by Aug 19th?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Could the 60D actually turn into a 7D by Aug 19th?

    That would be cool...[H]

    I know all you 40 and 50D owners are biting at the bit to upgrade you APS-C bodies but wouldn't it be cool for Canon to launch a FF 7D with the specs listed on CanonRumors? The latest rumor of it showing up in BestBuy's inventory at $2699.00 must be from someonein LA $$. If the price were under $2000.00,I'd be at least the 1003rd person in line for it. I would upgradeone of my 40'sas well asmy 5D.

    * FF
    * 3″ OLED
    * 12.7 MP
    * ISO100-25600
    * Digic IV
    * Wide DR mode, sRAW
    * 9 focus points (+6)
    * 3.4 FPS
    * Pentaprism, same as 5dII
    * No video
    * No flash
    * $1999 target

    It would be the lowest price FF on the market with all of the features of the 5D MkII less 9 megapixels and video. That would be awesome for those of us on a budget.

    Tick Tock, just watch that clock..............[]

  2. #2

    Re: Could the 60D actually turn into a 7D by Aug 19th?

    My head is still spinning from reading all those comments on

    Only time will tell what the exact specs will be

  3. #3
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    Re: Could the 60D actually turn into a 7D by Aug 19th?

    For the price, personally I'd rather save a bit longer and get the more MP and the HD Video, but that's just me.

  4. #4
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    Re: Could the 60D actually turn into a 7D by Aug 19th?

    This rumor must have been started by one of the folks that thinks removing megapixels and video would reduce the price. That's incorrect. Sensor cost scales principally with area, a new design with larger pixels will save absolutely nothing compared to a new design with smaller pixels. 5D1-sized pixels and lack of video would decrease market penetration, lower expected sales, and therefore require amortization over fewer units. With the same fixed development costs, that would result in a much higher price, I'd guess $3,499 instead of $1,999.

    We'd all love to see full frame sensors come down in price, but the unfortunate reality is that the manufacturing cost is not going down very fast. The 5D1 was a big breakthrough at just $3,000. After three years we're down to $2,700. At this rate it will take 7 more years to reach $1,999 for a new full frame camera. Removing features will not help at all, unless the cost of the feature (e.g. $10/camera for video) is less than the lost margin from the reduction in sales (e.g. 30% on 10,000 units).

  5. #5
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    Re: Could the 60D actually turn into a 7D by Aug 19th?

    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Browning
    With the same fixed development costs, that would result in a much higher price, I'd guess $3,499 instead of $1,999

    Maybe that's why the supposedBestBuy store inventory price was $2699. That price certainly wouldn't indicate a 60D style model so what would $2699 buy in a full frame that is the same retail price as the 5D MkII?

    Does anyone know or care to speculate on the number of units sold of the 50D andthe 5D MkII? From the response I've seen on the forums I'd guess 2-4X the sale of 5D MkIIs.

    Daniel, as you said in theother post a release of a 60D would be the "ho-hum" equivalent to the 30D over the 20D unless Canon has planned to release a much more professionally equipped APS-C camera to counter the release of the Nikon D300. So far that doesn't fit with the rumor clues. A 3D or 7D does.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Maleko's Avatar
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    Re: Could the 60D actually turn into a 7D by Aug 19th?

    Surely if this new body is going to be a 7D or whatever xD body, wont that mean it wont actually be a replacement for the 50D, but more a new line in the xD series? therefore a steaper price tag? Doesn't quite seem right to me.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Dave Johnston's Avatar
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    Re: Could the 60D actually turn into a 7D by Aug 19th?

    Quote Originally Posted by hotsecretary

    For the price, personally I'd rather save a bit longer and get the more MP and the HD Video, but that's just me.

    here here.... the extra 600 wouldn't seem like too much if I was already spending 2 grand.
    5D mark III, 50D, 17-40 f4L, 24-70 f2.8L, 70-200 f4L ​IS, 28 f1.8, 50 f1.8, 85 f1.8, 100 f2.8 Macro

  8. #8
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    Re: Could the 60D actually turn into a 7D by Aug 19th?

    Quote Originally Posted by Chuck Lee
    That price certainly wouldn't indicate a 60D style model so what would $2699 buy in a full frame that is the same retail price as the 5D MkII?
    Nothing, IMHO. All the 5D2 money is going to the sensor, and there's little leftover for anything else.

    If you take a 50D sensor and put in a cheaper body, you get the 500D and a savings of $400 (35%). But what if they put the 5D2 sensor in a 500D body? Would it save $400 too? I don't think so. I think the reason why the price is so much lower on the 500D is because the market for a $730 camera is significantly larger than a $1130 camera, and competition is fiercer, so they have wider amortization and accept lower per-unit margins on the $730 camera. The difference between $2700 and $2300 is much smaller, so changing bodies wouldn't result in the same $400 savings.

    Even if it did save a full $400 like the 50D->500D, that's still only 15%. At that point, I think most buyers who are already spending $2300 would probably just pay the extra amount to have their pricey sensor in at least a mid-range body instead of the very low-end.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chuck Lee
    Does anyone know or care to speculate on the number of units sold of the 50D and the 5D MkII? From the response I've seen on the forums I'd guess 2-4X the sale of 5D MkIIs.
    I don't know, but I would guess around 4X. For every 50D I think there's probably 4X sales of even cheaper APS-C cameras like the 500D/1000D; a huge gulf between APS-C and FF. I think forums bias towards the higher end, though. (I think that in real life, some photographers don't even use a computer, and of the ones who do, only a small percent of those read forums, and only a small minority of those actually post, and I think they tend to be the hig end users.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Chuck Lee
    Daniel, as you said in the other post a release of a 60D would be the "ho-hum" equivalent to the 30D over the 20D unless Canon has planned to release a much more professionally equipped APS-C camera to counter the release of the Nikon D300.
    A professional APS-C to compete with the D300 would be a big departure from their previous market segmentation strategy, but I think it would sell like hot cakes, so I'm hopeful Canon will smell the money and change for that reason.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chuck Lee
    So far that doesn't fit with the rumor clues. A 3D or 7D does.
    I'm certain Canon will release a $1200 1.6X, and they will probably call it a 60D. A 3D or 7D of some kind is possible, but I have zero confidence in the rumor sites to predict it.

  9. #9
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    Re: Could the 60D actually turn into a 7D by Aug 19th?

    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Browning
    I'm certain Canon will release a $1200 1.6X, and they will probably call it a 60D. A 3D or 7D of some kind is possible, but I have zero confidence in the rumor sites to predict it.

    Well Put.

    I've still got my fingers crossed for a more affordable FF. []

  10. #10
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    Re: Could the 60D actually turn into a 7D by Aug 19th?

    Those specs look like a refreshed 5D. Except we already have one.

    My two cents: just stop trying to predict the future. Let Canon announce what they have, comment on it at CanonRumors, and buy it if you like it.
    We're a Canon/Profoto family: five cameras, sixteen lenses, fifteen Profoto lights, too many modifiers.

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