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Thread: RadioPopper JrX a value added alternative

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    RadioPopper JrX a value added alternative

    I'm glad my cactus triggers have been doing so well and I didn't need to upgrade to another wireless trigger system yet. I've been holding out until P.C. Buff gets the Cyber Commander finished but it looks like I now have a viable alternative.

    Here's a nice write up by Dave Hobby over at

    What do you think? ........................Sean?

  2. #2
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Savannah, GA

    Re: RadioPopper JrX a value added alternative

    I think it's yet another reliable option to choose from. The new RadioPopper JrX will allow you to be able to control the output of AlienBee/White Lightning strobes wirelessly, which is handy for some. They'll also be able to vary the output of TTL strobes (except for the newest Nikon SB-900) using a yet-to-be-released hotshoe cube. Those are certainly nice features to have--if you need them. I don't have AlienBee/White Lightning units and I don't have enough TTL strobes to make that feature worth-while.

    I'm sure the RadioPopper JrX system will work great for those who get it. However, I won't be buying a RP unit out of principle for a long time. I don't appreciate how they jerked their potential customers around for so long promising the world while delaying the release time and time again (with very communication with their customers).

  3. #3
    Senior Member Mark Elberson's Avatar
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    Re: RadioPopper JrX a value added alternative

    Great read Chuck. These sound terrific. Iespecially like,"Three physical knobs, functioning just like volume controls". When I make the jump to RF triggers I'll have to decide between these and CyberSyncs. Right now it's looking like these may have the edge

  4. #4
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    Re: RadioPopper JrX a value added alternative

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Setters
    I don't have AlienBee/White Lightning units

    Sorry Sean, I assumed you did. Jeeze, and right there in PCBuff land too.

    My favorite istheB800 in a PCB Octobox. Just way fun!![] You ought to try it. It's phantastic!!

  5. #5
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Savannah, GA

    Re: RadioPopper JrX a value added alternative

    I like the portability and ease of use(especially taking power sources into consideration) of my shoe-mount flashes. Whenever I need more power, I simply throw more flashes into the umbrella/softbox. I'll re-evaluate my position when the AlienBee Max units finally start shipping...but I don't think my trunk can handle 3 or 4 Bees with all the stuff I'm already carrying. ;-)

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Re: RadioPopper JrX a value added alternative

    Yeah, the bees are light but I wouldn't call em exactly "portable". I like my stobist kit for on site stuff. As soon as my oldest moves out we'll have his room (the closed-in, insulated, part of the house, single car garage) as a home studio. That'll be nice.

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