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Thread: My Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS II Soft at 2.8? Help!

  1. #21
    Senior Member
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    Re: My Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS II Soft at 2.8? Help!

    Quote Originally Posted by Elon Gane
    Should I return my copy for a new one or not?

    I have never bought a lens that I didn't immediatly take it out of the box and start testing it to death. Every time I ask myself is it as sharp as it should be. After a week goes by I usualy decide the lens is acceptable and it wasjust me worried I might have spent thousands on a lens that was a bad copy.

    I have only hadone L lens that I decided it wasn't acceptable and sent it back. It was a 24x70L, and even after I got it back I still think its to soft.

    My advice is, make sure you know the return policy. Don't wait to long and if you really feel it is to soft don't heasitate to send it back and get another copy. I wouldn't send it in for warranty work because if it comes back like the 24x70L I have, it may not be correted. Get the new copy not the warranty work.

  2. #22
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    Re: My Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS II Soft at 2.8? Help!

    maybe this is a stupid question but... should we really expect extreme corners to be sharp at 100% on an LCD/CRT?

  3. #23
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    Re: My Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS II Soft at 2.8? Help!

    Quote Originally Posted by canoli

    maybe this is a stupid question but... should we really expect extreme corners to be sharp at 100% on an LCD/CRT?
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    no, but if it's a EF lens on a 1.6X body, it will bother me a little.

  4. #24
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    Re: My Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS II Soft at 2.8? Help!

    Quote Originally Posted by canoli

    maybe this is a stupid question but... should we really expect extreme corners to be sharp at 100% on an LCD/CRT?

    If that is what the ISO-charts on different reviews show us, I guess we can also strive to get the same results at home, so yes...

    And there is really a big difference between soft, acceptable sharp and true sharp. After that it becomes true pixel peeping [A]

  5. #25
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: My Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS II Soft at 2.8? Help!

    Quote Originally Posted by Elon Gane
    <span>But I could send it to Canonfor adjustmentright? Would the warranty cover the costs?

    I have had 4 experiences with the Canon service center, three of which were for lens calibration/adjustment. They never charged me a dime for those. So I will say yes,the warranty will cover the cost---if it is still under warranty.

    Also, You paid $2000+ for that piece of glass---if you have questions or dissapointments, send it back to Canon and let them tell you it either needed calibration/adjustment or that it meets specification. Each time I have returned mine for this, they always came back with some sort of adjustment and working better than they did before. We have to remember that no matter how good these lenses are, they have gone through thousands of miles of abusive cargo handlers and the liklihood of knocking something out ofadjustment is fairly high.

    For what it's worth, All 4 times I have sent my lenses out, they have been returnedin about two weeks (California Service Center).

    Just my 2cw.



  6. #26
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    Re: My Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS II Soft at 2.8? Help!

    Doesn't Canon ask you for the body as well when you send in a lens for "recalibration"?

    I read somewhere that front-focus / back-focus issues can only be resolved when you have both the lens and the body, and that they may be able to correct it for that lens/body combination - but your other lenses may perform differently after the adjustment. That's what's so great about bodies with the micro-adjustment feature - you can do it yourself.

    I guess maybe for soft corners and other problems they can work with just the lens...(?)

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