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Thread: Canon 50mm or Sigma 30mm

  1. #1

    Canon 50mm or Sigma 30mm

    I am currently looking to buy a prime to keep on my camera for everyday use. I feel like I have narrowed it down between the Canon 1.4 50mm and the Sigma 1.4 30mm. Both lenses look good to me but I see a down side with the canon because it is will be a 80mm on my crop body and the sigma is 50% heavier. Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: Canon 50mm or Sigma 30mm

    The angle of view of those two lenses is significantly different. IMO, the first decision on a new lens should be the focal length. If you have a zoom lens that covers that range, I'd suggest setting it to 30mm and using it like that for a day or two, then setting it to 50mm and using it like that for a day or two; and/or looking over your EXIF data to see which focal length would better suit you.

  3. #3
    Senior Member thekingb's Avatar
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    Re: Canon 50mm or Sigma 30mm

    +1 to deciding on focal length first.

    I got rid of my EF 50 f/1.4 for two reasons. (1) It was too long for many indoors situations, which was frustrating. (2) I seemed to miss focus with that lens much more than with any other lens. Others have struggled with inconsistent AF on that lens too. I replaced it with the EF 85 f/1.8, which is almost useless indoors but really sweet for outdoor portraits, sports, candids, etc, as well as low light shots.

    If your body can microadjust, the Sigma might be a good idea. Otherwise the EF 35 f/2, while old and noisy, has many devoted followers. I

  4. #4

    Re: Canon 50mm or Sigma 30mm

    Good stuff people, my biggest concern is getting a lense that obviously takes great pictures but also is relatively small. Recently I have found myself only taking my camera when I am on a shoot and seem to neglect taking pictures on a more casual basis. I think my biggest hindrance is not wanting to lug around a heavy lense while I am out. So while I am fine to use the focal length of both of these lenses I am more interested in image quality, build quality and convenience.

  5. #5
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: Canon 50mm or Sigma 30mm

    Quote Originally Posted by metakephotos
    I think my biggest hindrance is not wanting to lug around a heavy lense while I am out.

    Is it the heavy lens, or the whole package? Personally, I picked up a PowerShot S95 for times when bringing the 5DII and/or 7D and a bag full of lenses is not practical.

    RE the two lenses, both are fast primes so autofocus microadjustment would possibly be needed for either. Reportedly, Sigma lenses sometimes have QC issues and AF issues; the Canon 50/1.4 is a bit soft wide open and also reportedly doesn't have a very robust AF mechanism. The 85mm f/1.8 is really an excellent lens for build and image quality, but likely too long on your crop body.

  6. #6
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    Re: Canon 50mm or Sigma 30mm

    I was in your shoes at one point and went with an XSI+Sigma 30mm 1.4. This combo works for me and I take it everywhere I go. 50mm is too narrow IMHO.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Fast Glass's Avatar
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    Re: Canon 50mm or Sigma 30mm

    Quote Originally Posted by metakephotos
    I think my biggest hindrance is not wanting to lug around a heavy lense while I am out.

    Oh, come on. We areonly talking about a few ounce for goodness sake![]


  8. #8
    Senior Member clemmb's Avatar
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    Re: Canon 50mm or Sigma 30mm

    I take my 5D with grip and 24-105 everywhere. When I do a wedding or just out for a family outing it is strapped to my right hand with Canons E-1 hand strap all day long. I hate neck straps. Once in a camera store I tried mounting the 70-200 f2.8 II. I wandered what all the fuss was about concerning the weight. I though it very nice in my hand.

    I have been accused of having Popeye

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