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Thread: Spare a thought...

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    Re: Spare a thought...

    Stay safe everyone!

  2. #12
    Super Moderator Kayaker72's Avatar
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    Re: Spare a thought...

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve U
    winds hit at about 175mph

    That is a monster. I share Matthew's and others sentiments--stay safe.

  3. #13
    Senior Member
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    Anaheim, CA

    Re: Spare a thought...

    Everybody take care and stay safe!...

    Greeting from from Sunny Warmy Southern California


  4. #14
    Senior Member
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    Re: Spare a thought...

    Steve U, we need you to become this sites

  5. #15
    Senior Member btaylor's Avatar
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    No fixed address, how good is that!

    Re: Spare a thought...


    The eye of the cyclone hit a bit further south than
    initially expected. A lot of towns were evacuated but in great news
    there are no reports of fatalities. I guess Queenslanders have been
    through cyclones before so they are aware of what to expect but nobody
    knew what to expect with this one due to its size.

    The storm surge on the coast produced waves up to 9m! That's incredible.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kayaker72
    I just did a search on the cyclone that is
    about to hit and the lead to the story was your copper mine shutting
    down. Wow, 300,000 tons a year. I guess I have no reference point
    other than that is a lot of pennies.

    Well that's 300,000
    tonnes of copper anode a year - refined to around 99% purity. Last year
    we pulled just over 6.1 million tonnes of ore at around 2.8% copper
    average up the shaft. But yes it's a huge opportunity cost to the
    company shutting down for 24 hours - it very rarely happens. We are a
    major supplier to the world market and have a pretty strong influence on
    the old supply/demand curve.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve U
    Not a fan of her politics, but our state
    Premier has done an incredible job of mobilising emergency services and
    communication has been extensive.

    I agree 100% with you
    Steve. I haven't always been a big supporter of Anna Bligh but the way
    she has handled both the floods and this cyclone has been excellent. I
    think the proactive nature of her handling this has potentially saved a
    lot of lives. She's definitely shown a human side you don't often too
    with politicians. Much better than the robot we've got running the

    I just watched an interview with a banana farmer in Tully on the news. He has just lost his entire crop for the second time since cyclone Larry in 2006. His roof has been ripped off his house and there's pretty much crap everywhere. He was sitting there drinking a beer with a mate and his wife having a laugh. When the reporter asked how it was last night his response was "Bloody windy ahahaahh, at least now it'll be easier to put that skylight in I've been avoiding for the last month eh!" Kind of epitomises the Australian spirit. I guess we're all larrakins at heart.

    Well I'm off to start tying down the outdoor furniture, they expect it to hit us as a Category 1 or 2 cyclone at 8 pm. Shouldn't be too bad, upward of 150km/h winds are predicted but the rain following will be the worst part. There's a river between myself and my work, maybe I'll get a couple of days off if I can't get there!

    Take care,


    P.S Jan I agree the riots in Egypt are just shocking. I was due to head to Jordan for work in a month's time but I don't see that happening now.
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  6. #16
    Senior Member
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    The Netherlands

    Re: Spare a thought...

    Quote Originally Posted by btaylor
    I just watched an interview with a banana farmer in Tully on the news. He has just lost his entire crop for the second time since cyclone Larry in 2006. His roof has been ripped off his house and there's pretty much crap everywhere. He was sitting there drinking a beer with a mate and his wife having a laugh. When the reporter asked how it was last night his response was "Bloody windy ahahaahh, at least now it'll be easier to put that skylight in I've been avoiding for the last month eh!" Kind of epitomises the Australian spirit. I guess we're all larrakins at heart.

    Haha that's the same guy I listened to when I watched the Livefeed. It was still night back then, so there was no footage nor journalism, but I'm pretty sure it's the same man. He just rebuild his shed with all his tractors and machines and the roof collapsed onto it...but still, he could laugh about it and was positive. Amazing!

    Quote Originally Posted by btaylor
    ell I'm off to start tying down the outdoor furniture, they expect it to hit us as a Category 1 or 2 cyclone at 8 pm. Shouldn't be too bad, upward of 150km/h winds are predicted but the rain following will be the worst part. There's a river between myself and my work, maybe I'll get a couple of days off if I can't get there!

    Hmmm, to put everything into some perspective. Currently we have "stormy" weather here in the Netherlands. The main airfield: Schiphol deals with major delays and cancellations. Very little damage to houses etc, but fallen branches etc are present. Even in our backyard, and we're living more inland. To put a number to it, they are talking to wind gusts of about 85-90km/h. If this kind of wnd has a "destructive" effect, imagine what 300km/h must be like. Ouch! It's good to hear that it all worked out pretty well giving the circumstances in Australia, but man that must have been a storm!

    Quote Originally Posted by btaylor
    P.S Jan I agree the riots in Egypt are just shocking. I was due to head to Jordan for work in a month's time but I don't see that happening now.

    I'm not sure how it will work out. I believe it's relatively calm at this moment, but it's still very unstable. I don't about Jordan, but it's not really close to Egypt so you might be alright. However it seems like it's unstable in more countries in Northern Africa at this moment. We'll see. If it's safe, it sounds like a nice place to go to for business.

    Good luck crossing the river Ben []

  7. #17
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: Spare a thought...

    Ben, Steve, I am assuming the worst of the storm is now past, but the news says lots of people without power, thought maybe thats the reason for no update.--hope all is well with you two and your friends and family. Let us know how you weathered the storm. As for here, still well below freezing, we hit 17 below with windchill of 30 below in the valley--mountains had windchills of 50 below (in new Mexico), 30,000 people without gas in New Mexico (JUST ONE WEEK AFTER THEY REQUESTED A RATE HIKE!!!) I can

  8. #18
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: Spare a thought...

    OOps, double thumbed the keyboard--Anyway, I have been through lots of hurricaines, but nothing like what you guys faced this week---Our hearts are with you and and all the other Queenslanders--let us know how your doing as soon as you can.


  9. #19
    Moderator Steve U's Avatar
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    Re: Spare a thought...

    Thanks for your kind thoughts Bob. My family and I are fine. My thoughts are also with you guys as the blizzards take their toll over there, I know Denise and Wisconsin have copped the worst of it.

    While devastating for those in the direct path of the cylcone, it did cross in one of the relatively less populated areas, where unfortunately they have lived and rebuilt with cyclone threats in mind. It is heartbreaking though to see men reduced to tears as they try and recover from this again. Farmers, busines people and families have had their resilience well and truely tested.

    Cycles, everything happens in cycles apparantly, this global weird weather, the economy and these so-called one-in-one hundred year "weather events." Well we have had enough, I think we should ban cycles and all take up walking.

    We will endure.

    To bring this back to a photographic frustration. In Brisbane here we lived through some of the worst weather in history recently. The authorities warned us to stay away from flood areas. We would be turned away, this was not the time for sightseers, emergency services had to have unimpeded access. Being the keen photographer, this pained me as I had a bag of lenses and wanted to capture some of these once in a life time images. So I heeded their warnings and stayed away.

    I must have been the only one who did. Last weekend, the leading paper published a glossy magazine covering the floods, conveying the story as told by us and the graphic pictures taken by the residents. I haven
    Steve U
    Wine, Food and Photography Student and Connoisseur

  10. #20
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: Spare a thought...

    Glad to hear you and your family are ok, Steve. Sounds like your Premier and countrymen were ready for this one--way to go. I also applaud your ethics with staying out of the way of emergency services. Its one thing to put yourself at risk for "the shot" but quite another to put someone else in danger--too many photogs fail to consider the risk they place on someone else just to get a photo---That is simply unacceptable. I appreciate good photojournalism as much as anyone else, but not at the risk of the general public. I feel guilty if I spook a flock of birds trying to get a shot.

    Again, glad to hear all is well,


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