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Thread: Need opinions on next lens to buy

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocco View Post
    I don't understand that. He plans on going to ff, but not until next year. Replacing the already excellent 17-55 will cost him another 1k but won't help him with his original question.
    After he moves to ff, absolutely. It'd be a great choice.

    I had used my 100mm macro L at a few weddings and it did fine. For what it's worth, I also rented the 85 1.2 for a wedding and recently sold my macro to help fund my very own 851.2. That's my recommendation, because that's what I ended up going with. If you can afford it, buying the 85 for indoor stuff while keeping the 70-300 for a versatile zoom might not be a bad call.
    That's what I meant ... with a full frame camera I think the 24-70mm f/2.8L and the 70-200mm f/2.8L would be great for weddings but for wildlife alot more focal length would be needed on a full frame camera. If he kept the 7D he could possibly get by using teleconverters on the 70-200 for wildlife.

  2. #12
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    The problem, for me, with the otherwise excellent 24-70, is the lack of IS! I need it!

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iman View Post
    The problem, for me, with the otherwise excellent 24-70, is the lack of IS! I need it!
    With the 5D3 you may does so well at high ISO settings that you will be able to get good hand holdable shutter speeds in most conditions.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iman View Post
    The problem, for me, with the otherwise excellent 24-70, is the lack of IS! I need it!
    When I was looking for zoom lenses to get down to 24mm I wound up with the 24-105 f4 as it has IS. Only time it is needed is for low light situations. Works fine for my use, stationary subjects, but for freezing motion the extra stop could have changed my decision to the 24-70. The choice with any lens decision needs to be based on what you want to use the lens for. Of course a tripod could be used with the 24-70 but I still prefer to travel light, so don't always carry a tripod with me, much of the time.

  5. #15
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    And higher iso with faster shutter speeds would prolly eliminate the chances for motion blur because of moving subjects, and not have to deal with razor- thin DOF. Win-Win.
    Words get in the way of what I meant to say.

  6. #16
    Moderator Steve U's Avatar
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    A lot of this depends on how deep your pockets are. The 3 lenses you mentioned are all excellent and would make a great addition to any kit.
    Building your kit around what you have now and where you want to be is what we all agonize over.
    You have, I think, three fantastic lenses for your 7D, of the three choices you highlighted to add to your kit the one in my opinion that would make the most difference would be the 85/1.2. This brings the ability to do something new at an aperature that you don't have and will make a huge difference to your shooting style and shooting options. But only if as you say you want to shoot what you listed in the beginning, but if you have a yearning to shoot insects, than you make a different choice.
    If you are keeping the 7D, keep those 3 lenses, or maybe think about moving the 50/1.8 on one day, but not soon.
    Good luck with it.
    Steve U
    Wine, Food and Photography Student and Connoisseur

  7. #17
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    Thank you all very much for you opinions/input. It has been very helpful. I think I will go with the 100L. It has IS, has reach, and gives me macro capability, which I don't currently have. However, who knows I may change my mind a few more times before I order!

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