first off thank you all for your time and help!

To Brant, i agree there are to many, i removed all but three, like you Brant I'm more of an "ooh, it is pretty let me post" kind of guy as well, i just see something i like and try and get a shot is all, i guess if i had to say i just try and capture the story that's already being told... (still not good at it though).

the aperture is 00 so it's hard to get the DOF focus just right, trying though... for the first image i did get just what i wanted with the petals being just out of focus, seemed right so i went with it.

the others were just what turned out best of the lot. the image you described sounds interesting, do you happen to have a link to it?

to HDNitehawk, haha you do what you gotta do right!, they did turn out more artsy than i thought they would honestly, but it worked out. still looking for my macro lens and kinda freaking out about it too... house is a bit messy but not to the point i thought this would be so hard. will look into a rail, never tried focus stacking so that will be new.

to Jayson, gonna try focus stack when i can get a stable setup for it. using a reversed lens with my shaky hands and freehand at that was not an easy task, wind did not help...

to Karsaa, gonna try it!, i got my tripod for 10 bucks at a resale shop, not positive it can even use a rail, gonna find out soon enough i guess lol.

to Danny, thanks Danny, i try is all. the rail and software never even entered my mind, glad you like that shot Danny!, until i get more setup for these kind of shots i'll just keep testing out things and see what works and and what does not, if it gets too stressful then it's never as fun. thanks Danny.

thanks everyone!