Well oops. I didn't cancel my 24-105 order and it showed up yesterday. My tamzooka is on its way back from being flashed.

So this weekend will be some verrsion if a 'real world comparison' of the ef/rf 24-105 and the rf 100-500 vs the tamzooka.

Will post my conclusions.

For the pre test context.
The tammy is very good 150 to 400 gets a bit weaker the longer it goes and 600 is soft on the 5d3. Does the Rf100-500 over take it on the long end with a mild crop?

The 24-105 appears to be a contest of specific copy of each lens and size. I recall Bryans review being equivocal.

I do enjoy having the cpl drop in. I do have the empty/simple adapter as well.

And under the TMI heading... I do have some carpel tunnel, tendinitis creeping on my left wrist so weightbetc may become an issue