Looked at the recently announced Copilot+PC ARM based models vs. x86 models vs. Macbook Pro.

Falls under the heading of 'next month' is the best time to buy electronics.... always, but....

Goal: update the 5 yr old dell laptop (now that I am effectively fully mobile for the next year or so) to something that can handle the multi frame stitching, larger files sizes, etc.

Parameters: not many other than pay once to get it done and revisit it in another 5 years or so.

Copilot+ PC - my concern is that the reviews have been poor when really doing the graphics work. And may have compatibility/stability issues.
X86 models - substantively outperform Copilot+ and are well vetted/supported
Macbook Pro (max) - a few hundred more than x86 but may be 'worth it'. Challenge is that I am an android phone user, perhaps some of the integration will be clunky (i.e. ms office products? thoughts/experiences?). Also the 16" is the only one w/ the cooling to take advantage of the max chip.

