<p class="MsoNormal"]I&rsquo;m currently shooting with a 20D and 40D.<span> I like both cameras; my only complaint is the
auto focus doesn&rsquo;t seem to lock on in low light situations very well.<span> I&rsquo;m also not convinced that the focus points
are that accurate. <span>I shoot mostly
between 1.2 and 2.0 so I&rsquo;m sure some, if not most, of it is my fault.<span> I still can&rsquo;t help but think at that aperture
there may be better tools.<span> My original
thinking was that I would spend my money on good glass and get by with a lower
end camera.<span> I feel like I have a great
collection of glass now and I think it&rsquo;s time to start thinking about a better
camera.<span> I shoot mostly portraits and
high school sports.<span> I did second shoot
three weddings last year and have am going to do three or four next year.<span> I shoot at 200 ISO most of the time with the
exception of football when I&rsquo;m at 1600 ISO.<span>
The 20D/40D has been a little noisy, but I can live with it.<span> Auto focus is the one thing I most want to
improve from my 20D/40D.
<p class="MsoNormal"]<o></o>
<p class="MsoNormal"]My first thought is that as soon as the replacement for the
Mk III comes out the 1DMkIII will really drop in price.<span> It seems to have received a bad rap and I
can&rsquo;t imaging people getting top dollar for a used model.<span> This seems like the perfect camera for me as
most of my sports shooting is indoors or evening.<span> Bright light seems to be the bad time to
shoot with this camera but I would imaging it would still be better then my
40D.<span> Do you think this camera used will
come down to under 2,000.00?
<p class="MsoNormal"]<o></o>
<p class="MsoNormal"]The other option is a 1DsMkII that I see for around
2,500.00.<span> That is a little more then I
want to spend, but that may come down in price as will with the release of the
MkIII replacement.<span> Also the 1DMkIIn is a
possibility&ndash; not sure what that is going for at the moment.
<p class="MsoNormal"]<o></o>
<p class="MsoNormal"]However, after thinking through all this I started wondering
about the original 1Ds and 1D.<span> Would the
auto focus in these cameras be better then the ones I&rsquo;m currently using?<span> How much has technology improved over the
years?<span> How much better is the auto focus
on the MkII versions over the original 1Ds and 1D?<span> If the auto focus is great, I could use the
1Ds as my portrait camera and the 1D as my sports camera (8x10 is about as big
as I print the high school sports stuff so I would think 4megs would be enough.)<span> I could probably pick both up for the price
of a used 1DMkIII.<span> Any thoughts?
<p class="MsoNormal"]<o></o>
<p class="MsoNormal"]Thanks for any help with this,
<p class="MsoNormal"]<o></o>
<p class="MsoNormal"]JT