Can you guys take a look at these, tell me if this amount of red fringing is normal?

Sorry if these aren't resized properly - not sure if TDP is cropping them or what, but the Preview of this post doesn't look too good. But hopefully you can what I'm talking about.

The shot was taken last night over the Hudson at sunset, directly into the afterglow.

40D + 17-40mm f/4L, tripod, f/11 @ 1.3s ISO 100, 17mm - no filter, Adobe RGB, Auto WB.

The crops are taken from just left of center. One has a CA adjustment (in ACR) - Red/Cyan to -63 (toward Red), the other is as shot.

As you can see, the red fringe is pretty heavy without the CA adjustment.

What do you think? Seems about right for this type of shot, or do I have something going on here with my setup..? Would shooting faster help? Higher ISO, f/5.6 instead of f/11?

Well thanks for taking a look. Any thoughts you'd care to share - I would really appreciate it.


[img]/cfs-file.ashx/__key/CommunityServer.Components.UserFiles/ _no_5F00_CA_5F00_adj.jpg[/img]

[img]/cfs-file.ashx/__key/CommunityServer.Components.UserFiles/ _CA_5F00_adj_5F00_rc_5F002D00_63.jpg[/img]