I am a fairly new DSLR owner (just over a year) and I am looking to start working on composition. I've spent the last year getting to know my gear and I am pretty comfortable with it now. I have a 30D, 18-55 kit, 50 1.8, and a 70-200 f4 L non-IS. My main subject remains, shooting my daughter's soccer team hence the 70-200.

However, way back in the day, I had an AE-1 with a standard 50mm lens on it. I have read a number of comments that working with primes helps with composition and finding your view/voice/style. I personally think I would be helped a lot if I could simplify things and concentrate on the composition aspects. So I am leaning towards a prime, something between wide and normal (considering FOVCF). I think this means something between 24mm and 35mm. My biggest issue is going to be money, I have to get my wife to agree so let's assume my budget is $500 or less.

Given the above, what would you recommend to me and why?

