Bill, the 1st hummer shot is definitely a keeper, good composition the tounge sticking out really enhances the image. I'd clone out theO.O.F leaf in the U.R.C. The 2nd shot can be sharper and the O.O.Fbrach/leaf is bothering me. Good luck next time.

EdN, I think it's always a thrill to see a bald eagle. Great opportunity you have there, it's absolutely cool to have nesting bald eagle. Looks like the images were shot in harsh lighting andheavily cropped, shooting in better lighting allows you to crop a bit more without losing details. Good luck next time. I like the last image, mommy and daddy are together.

Garrett, if I have a backyard with a lot of birds, I'd set up perches to photograph them. The branches in both theB.G andF.G are very cluttered, it takes a way the attention to the bird.

Chuck, nice poses on the egret and heron. I like the tight crop for the GBH, I'd crop out the O-O-F tree trunk in the B.G of the GWE

Please let me know if my any of my commentis wrong, thanks[]

Here's mine this time...

I was toolate to capture this skimmer banking with both wings spreaded out. Taken at Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve in late afternoon.

40D & 400 f/5.6L, f/6.3, 1/3200, ISO 320. Please excuse the washed out fish []

Larger version

Thanks for viewing everyone.
