
<span style="font-size: medium;"]After half a year with my 50D, I still feel good. I don't see
such a camera should be near the end of its production circle any time
soon - it still represents the very current digital technology in my
opinion. The 50D may not pair the 5D II or any other current FF camera
in terms of IQ, but the difference is not enormous. On the other hand,
the camera responds thunder fast; solid 6FPS won't set something on
fire but certainly smokes for the least. I feel it's the machine for
everything anytime and anywhere; like I said, as long as there isn't a
perfect camera for me, my 50D is good.

<span style="font-size: medium;"]The 60D/7D rumor is [url="http://www.canonrumors.com/2009/07/canon-eos-60d7d-aps-h-cr1/]here[/url] now. It's said to be a camera that sits
between the 50D and 5D II with an APS-H sensor. The speed and
resolution will come close to the 50D and it will inherit the autofocus
from the 1D series. I can feel that Canon is trying very hard to come
up with something that can beat the Nikon D300 or even the upcoming
D400 once and for all; but frankly speaking, to perfect the 5D II will
be a more attractive plan than introducing a new body like so. If the
5D II comes with the 45-point AF, slightly faster responding speed, a
more fitting grip and better weather sealing, I'll jump right onto it.

<span style="font-size: medium;"]I don't know when my perfect machine will arrive. I once said I
will get the 1D Mark IV for $5,000 if it has a very low noise 16MP FF<span style="font-size: medium;"]
, lightning fast performance and a better AF system. It now seems
that Canon will offer everything that I have wished on the 1D IV but
the FF sensor
. I am disappointed to see that.

<span style="font-size: medium;"]Would I buy the 60D/7D as said for less than $2,000? Maybe, since
it's a nice upgrade from the 50D once I get bored and it does not break
the bank. But I'm always expecting something more extraordinary,
something which can catch my eye in a second and drive the "WOW" out of
my mouth right away. It's something that makes me feel 100% once I own
and need nothing else in a really long time. I even said that I'll
ditch film if the FF 1D IV turns out to be true, but it doesn't.

<span style="font-size: medium;"]I'm hard to satisfy. So I'll watch.

<span style="font-size: medium;"]+ &amp; - thoughts are welcome.

<span style="font-size: medium;"]Benjamin