Take a look at this picture of the hummingbird.


The set up was a 100-400 L, at 400 mm, ISO 400, with the lens mounted on the tripod using a good ball head. A remote cord (long one....16 feet). Aperture f/8, EV -0.33, which gave a shutter speed of 1/1000 sec. I used a custom function to focus with the "back button" and targeted the center column of the feeder. I made sure the plane of view was such that the two perches were in that plane.

I moved the camera and lens closely. This image is not cropped.

I held the remote down, to fire multiple shots as soon as the bird came into view.

This picture is typical of many I took. Some were worse, but none of them were better, in terms of a more detail on the bird.

Please advise on how I can improve on these hummingbird pics. Thanks.