
The following pictures were all taken one afternoon at the Chicago Botanic Garden. These are the best three. Further this is my first serious stab at post processing, so let me know if you think I have been to heavy handed with anything. The pictures were all taken on a Digital Rebel XTi with the 28-105mm f/3.5-4.5 II Canon lens mounted on a Slik U-212 tripod.

I had non-electronic macro rings mounted for this shot. This picture is the only one of the three not done on my tripod. I was laying almost flat on my back, trying to to stab myself to death on the rose bush behind me. 1/200 ISO 100, aperture wide open.


if it doesn't load:[View:http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/luBFPwkJagu6pzyDZmx8_w?feat=directlink]

For this shot I believe I had the lens reversed, again no electronics. 1/100 ISO 400. The light was dying, and the wind picking up by this point.


if it doesn't load: [View:http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/dVY_OIoq_aekzAcH1MDVsw?feat=directlink]

For this one I actually had the lens mounted correctly! 1/15 f/4.0 ISO 100.


If it doesn't load: [View:http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/3-WddLndMF7OzEQFxN2XVA?feat=directlink]