Was just wondering if anyone else has encountered the same problem I've had upon updating my 5D Mk II's firmware.

I completed the firmware update successfully, following Canons instructions.

I entered into live view and adjusted the aperture and shutter speed in
movie mode as I am now able to do, had a bit of a play recording video
and switched of live view and went to take photos.

This is where the fun starts. My metering is now completely out I am
shooting outside in bright sunlight at ISO 100 in Av at f/4.0 and I am
been given a shutter speed of 3 seconds. Needless to say my photos are
completely overexposed. I switch to Tv, set my shutter speed to 1/5th
of a second and I am given an aperture of 1.4 again... overexposed

I repeat this with various lenses to no avail.

I attach a 580EX and turn it on and obviously my results are fine.

I switch back to live view and my metering is working fine there.

I switch live view off and it is stuffed again.

I try all forms of metering with various subjects to no avail.