Quote Originally Posted by keller

I guess i was thinking today when i was at the wedding things were moving so fast that i did nothave time to set the focus point before each shot.
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I fully, fully agree with others' comments that you should master what you have before looking to upgrade. That said, upgraded cameras offer the ability to choose focus points using a small joystick control that's essentially "always on". It often has to be enabled in menus first, and even then there are some camera-specific things* you want to learn like the back of your hand, but it sure is convenient (and I sure miss it when I grab our Rebel...).

* On my girlfriend's 40D, using joystick focus-point selection seems to disable the factory-default way of choosing focus points, and as a result I don't know how to tell the camera to auto-select focus points. However, with nine focus points, you can pick any point with only one touch of the joystick. On my 1D Mark III, the factory-default way of choosing focus points stays active, so I can jump to auto-select far quicker (though I never use this). However, with 19 selectable focus points, the center point is the only point that's definitely selectable with one push...I can be "thumbing away" to get the point I want sometimes.