I need help to decide on my next lens purchase(s).

My current equipment:



85 1.8

17-40 L4

70-200 L4

430EX II flash

My main pictures are of basketball, track and field, and portraits/family pictures. I miss having a zoom lens with more reach then the 17-40 but less then the 70-200. I would like a zoom with the ability to shoot under the lower light of basketball gyms (flash cannot be used). My thoughts are the 17-55 S2.8 or 24-70 L2.8. I have tried both and like each one. I could trade the 17-40 in towards the 17-55 and save some dollars. But will I miss not having the extra 15mm of reach that the 24-70 offers? I have seen some comments that the lower focal length L quality zoom lenses (24-70) are somewhat wasted on crop cameras. If this is true then is spending $1,200 on the 24-70 a wise investment? The present says the 17-55 may be better (lower $, higher IQ?). But for versatility and the future seems to be the 24-70?

After this purchase my plans in three to four months are to also purchase a 70-200 2.8 i.s. for basketball and a 28/30 1.8 or 35 2.0 prime. Then probably a 5DII in 12 to 18 months not sure if I would keep the 50D or apply the sales dollars towards the 5DII. Also what are your experiences with "refurbished" lenses? Is the IQ better the same or worse then new lenses.

I appreciate your help and commets.