Quick backgrounder-

My digital image experience is in DV and HDV video and prosumer SLR digital still photography, the video work has been commerical and indie professional. The still work has been art objects, product, and fashion model, all for web use never print.

I am studying professional portraiture, lifestyle, and entertainment.

My deepest experience is in setting lights as a gaffer and DP, I've used bare bones lowel systems and high end Arri, tung, hmi. You name it, talking head, three point set, shooting in a car, and effect outdoor.

For stills,even using existing light, I've only used constant light because it's what I own and know.

So, if you shoot studio or inside location portraiture and lifestyle does anyone use hard lights or is flash the standard? I'm learning a lot of the basics -key, fill, rim, bounce, softbox, are basically the same as motion picture lighting but the element only flashes. So if youuse one or more flash sources how do you set them and tweek?

Also, my sense for the client or model is well intact, I'm just looking for a bit of set acumen. I expect the portriat client doesn'twant to "pose" for half an hour while Itweeklights; in video a grip stands on the mark while we do that. Really just curious if anyone uses constant lighting in any situation.

All Grazi to you. Greg