The four pictures of the colorful object [*-)] were taken in a room with one weak lamp that points to the ceiling; the lamp was to the right of the camera about mid way between the object and the camera which were about 15 feet apart.

shutter: 1/80

Av: 2.8 [fixed]

iso: 1250

focal length: 70mm

Tv: 1/80

Av: 2.8


focal length : 100mm

Tv: 1/125

Av: 2.8

iso: 3200

focal length: 135mm

Tv: 1/125

Av: 2.8

iso: 3200

focal length: 200mm

Tv: 1/3 [!...IS works!!]

Av: 2.8

iso: 3200

focal length: 70mm

The light for this picture was coming from a hallway behind and to the left fo the camera. The room was semi dark actually and I had no doubt that the camera was not going to be able to take the pic without a flash; the lens is amazing in its ability to use the ambient light and take a decent picture. There is no doubt this lens can take excellent pictures indoors when there is a sourece of light in the room!!

I have only taken a few pictures with this combo which I just received this afternoon.

It is a heavy camera and lens combo of over 5lbs; the camera and the lens [esp the lens] seem to be industrial strength and indeed appear to be very rugged. Weight savings was def not the prime motivation in the design of this lens, rather ruggedness in the field , in the hands of a pro was the goal. I am no pro so this lens should be a life long partner.

I am going to try and stay with just this lens and this camera and learn as much as I can about taking pictures rather than accumulate a host of lenses off the bat.

As they say, beware the man with just one gun :-).