There haven't been a lot of astro pics on this forum... mine are not very good but I'd like to share a couple, and ask anyone else who has tried astrophotography to post their (probably more successful) attempts.


Dumbell Nebula

5DII, Takahashi fs102 816mm f/8 iso 400 43min (autoguided)


Veil Nebula

5DII, 816mm @ f/8 iso 800 28 exposures 8 min each Lumicon OIII filter

The first picture is far more heavily cropped: the veil nebula is a supernova remnant and stretches across multiple degress of sky. The dumbell nebula is a planetary and is only about 8 arcminutes across (still big for a planetary).

Both pictures were taken with a canon 5DII and a little takahashi
fs102 refractor mounted on an astrophysics mach 1 GTO mount. For the dumbell, autogouding was done with an orion short tube 80 (400mm f/5) and an
orion starshoot autoguider. The 28 veil frames were stacked with deep sky stacker.

These pictures are kind of crappy because they were taken from my light polluted back yard, and also because I don't really know what I'm doing. Tips and comments are welcome. Postings of your own astrophotos even more welcome