I doubt there's a way to avoid this without renaming the files.

When I sit down to format cards (after I've finished everything relating to a particular job), I reset the counter manually to 0000 (or is it 0001?).

I use DownloaderPro to ingest the images from cards. I let it make a directory tree (W:\Jobs\<job-code>\Import-<filetype>\<month><day>-<camera-code&gt and rename the file (adding <camera-code>- to the front of the filename). Images are now in a directory where they aren't likely to have filename collisions (my jobs aren't long enough...yet...to shoot more than 9999 photos in a day). I do run the risk of counter rollovers, but DLP (should) prevent rollover from being a problem.

(Sample file: W:\Jobs\PW-Headshots\Import-RAW\0806-1D3-Pete\1D3-Pete-426C0219.CR2)