Just got back from a shoot last night, got some (hopefully) good shots and long exposures of water features.

Uploaded the shots today, and I've noticed a fair number of hot pixels showing up in most of the shots. I've already searched the forum for topics addressing cleaning the sensor (see http://community.the-digital-picture.com/forums/p/1808/13583.aspx#13583).

My question is about the shots that I have already taken out of the camera. I didn't shoot with the Noise Reduction features in-camera because I wanted to conserve battery power, save time, and I figured it would be easier to do it in post anyway.

I am using DPP. I guess I need to apply Noise Reduction to the images I already have loaded on the computer?

1) Will Noise Reduction work to remove hot spots?

2) Which noise reduction should I use, Luminance or Chroma? I've never understood the difference between the two. Do the names refer to what CAUSES the noise to show up, or do they refer to what the noise LOOKS LIKE?

3) I already tried Luminance on one image just to test it. I used a setting of 1 (a weak setting) and the hot spots didn't go away. Does using a stronger Noise Reduction setting soften the image at all? I really don't want to do that.

Obviously, it would be incredibly tedious to go through each shot and use the spot tool to take out the hot spots.

Hopefully some of you know a better way!

Just for fun, I added a poll.


Thanks in advance,
