<p class="MsoNormal"]Ok&hellip; three issues, only two of which I really need feedback
<p class="MsoNormal"]<o></o>Firstly, I have a 24-105mm L IS f/4.0 and I&rsquo;m wondering if
the sharpness is not what it should be. I can post an example picture, but
simply put my Canon 10-22mm EF-S is far sharper and even my Tamron 17-50mm 2.8 seems to be sharper.
Surely an &ldquo;L&rdquo; quality lens should outperform both if not the Tamron. Has
anyone themselves or heard about many sharpness issues with this
<p class="MsoNormal"]Next, I&rsquo;m considering sending in my 50D and a selection of my
lenses to be calibrated by the factory. Does this seem to have a significant
impact in anyone&rsquo;s experience? In so doing I wondering if it would correct any possible
sharpness issues I am having with the above mentioned lens (24-105 L)?. Can
anyone tell me what they would commonly charge for this services? Lastly, does
anyone know if they will perform this service in the factory for a non-canon
lens (such as the 17-50mm Tamron)?<o></o>
<p class="MsoNormal"]So, the final issue&hellip; I am sending the 10-22mm EF-S lens into
repair because unfortunately, to make a long story short, I effectively chucked
it over my shoulder onto the pavement. Probably a five foot high and five foot back
launch. <span style="font-family: Wingdings;"]L Landed on the front edge,
but had both the front and back caps on. The front glass was not damaged, but
overall&hellip; not good. The inner plastic ring around the front glass broke off, the
lens will not zoom or focus, and the inner lens assembly jiggles a little.
Which means this lens is going in for repair no matter what. I&rsquo;m sure it won&rsquo;t
be covered by warranty. Makes me think even more about getting insurance for my
camera gear. Too bad I didn&rsquo;t have this lens for the last third of my trip too,
I&rsquo;ve been really happy with this lens&hellip; very sharp, fun to use, produces some
great shots.