
Sounds like you arrived safetly and are having a good time. I love travelling. I guess because I don't get to do it often enough.

OK, hopefully, you've got the RAW with you and DPP and /or ACR. If you have the raw file, run it through one of the converters and use the white balance tool on the background of the Identity Group patch. Once that's white the skin tones should take care of themselves. Since your color blind, change the image to grayscale and adjust the luminosity so she's not so hot. Once you have the luminosity adjusted to your liking change back to color.

Quote Originally Posted by Sean Setters
Does the picture need a cooling filter in photoshop?

Photo filters in PS won't help. In variations, the Cyan block looked best but still can't quite do the job. Working on the original raw file would be best.

If you don't have the raw then Photoshop is your next option. Use the sample tool to put a couple of sample markers on the label. You'll see the red imbalance we're all talking about. Open thecurves tool, select red channel, and pull the top down until the peak red value is somewhere around 210. ie (Input 255 Output 210) She will look alot better color wise but will need some additional luminosity adjustment. Clipping the red channel was the only way I could adjust the bmp version saved from the post. The RAw would be 10X easier.

BTW, How's your head this morning?.........[B][H]

If you need more input, I'll be checking in and out during the day.