Just bought a almost new 1DS MK3 for half its recommended price. It has 9500 shutter clicks on it and even smells like new. Someone lost a lot of money on this. Me, i was in the right place at the right time!!!

Anyway. Took it out to see how it compares to my 5D MK1. I dont have a manual yet so just toyed with it. Pushed it out to ISO 1600, played around with the exposures and used my 400 f5.6 L lens. Resolution is out of this world but, in shadows in poorish light it wasnt the top performer i had hoped. I do another comparison with my 5D later. Im as yet to check out the settings it came with and i do have a PDF from Canon USA of suggested settings but any advice on how to improve it through its ettings before i trawl the instruction manual. I usually learn through experience as i get very easily bored reading technical stuff. May have a go at tuning it to each of my lens too.
