So after agonizing which lens to get, I listened to all of you and your advice and I finally got my Canon 10-22mm. Love it.

Wickerprints, you were so right! hat off to you, I listened to your advice, I rented 10-22mm, took many shots with both 10-22 and 16-35 (my friend's), looked at EXIF data and seems like I took more pictures at wide end, plus I enjoyed wide angle on my 40D much more, so I decided to invest in it. I will go for 16-35 when I switch to FF in a year or two, but in the meantime I will at least learn how to take some shots with wide angle lens, and it is a LOT of fun. Still learning, I hope this lens will love me as much as I love it, but I know it is just a matter of time.

I love how sharp my copy is, pictures come out great or maybe I am just putting more thought into each of them so they come out better. I have not tested it with my current filters (B+W CP or UV), none of them are slim so I worry I may have to get one of those...any thoughts?

You guys are the best! Great advice, one happy customer []

Thanks all of you.