As people have been saying there's a big difference as you go down from say 4 to 2.8 to 1.4 and ohhh 1.2

But also depends on what you're primarily shooting... do you want one subject with a creamy sexy bokeh? Or do you want a group shoot of the family, friends, etc? Are you doing landscapes? Are you doing long exposed shots of buildings, city scapes, etc? Doing a lot of low light?

If you're shooting a lot of single person portraits, the 2-1.2 are awesome, but if you're shooting group shoots, landscapes, etc.. you're going to go to 4-11 .. and it won't be worth it. But if you want the versatility you'll want 2.8 and lower possibly. I only buy 2.8 now because I love low light photography and it's great. And I think one day after I pickup another L zoom and a new body, I'll grab a 50 1.4 or better because I do enjoy the Nifty fifty for the candid portraits and it's light weight compared to my brick of a zoom.