First Strobist attempt. Shot all quick style after school a few days ago. My lighting kit came a few days ago and I honestly don't think I've left home without cause you never know who might want a portrait taken with off camera flash? haha. I know there are plenty of things "wrong" with this, like no ambient/flash balance, but it was a spur of the moment shot taken with totally new gear to me. Give me time, I'll learn haha. I believe it was a 430 EXII at 1/4 power shot through a Wescot 43" white satin umbrella. Triggered via Cactus V2s system. Camera left and above subject.

Oh I also was just given an old macbook with LR 2 and CS4. A huge advance from DPP and CS1 haha. I got alottt of learning ahead of me. (If only I went after school work with the same drive as photography.. *sigh*)